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Nim Sadeh

Nim Sadeh

Run software like an Italian restaurant.
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Nim Sadeh
We built Marvin because: 1. We have a backlog of scientific papers we want to read 2. We want to spend more time outside 3. Reading a scientific/technical paper takes a lot of focus Marvin solves this issue by letting you talk about the paper over voice.
Speak to an expert about scientific papers using voice
Nim Sadeh
Nim Sadeh
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Nice work, Austin! Love seeing genetic algorithms in the wild :)
NexusTrade – AI-Powered Approach Finance
NexusTrade – AI-Powered Approach Finance
Easily create, test, optimize, and deploy trading strategies
Nim Sadeh
Nim here, co-builder @ StreetTalk! I am excited to introduce our free Earnings Call Transcripts Search app. Supercharge your investing process by searching across 35,000 transcripts! We'd love to hear any feedback and will be online to answer questions!
A search engine for earnings call transcripts