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Richard Anthony
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Hi Mike, will it find guests if their name doesn't feature in the podcast title?
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Richard Anthony
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Hi Clément, with so many existing teams using your other product it would seem to me that you already have a strong community of beta testers available to you, which is a great position to be in. Do they not fit the target profile for the new product?
Also, I'm curious, it sounds like you have a successful product and and good looking economics. What's pushing you into something totally new?
How do you recruit beta testers?
Clément Rog
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Richard Anthony
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@deeptivchopra thank you for collating and sharing. Question, on what basis or measure are the tools selected?
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Richard Anthony
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Hi Sarah,
It looks like you have established a successful lead gen pipeline using 'classic' tactics. Well played! My feeling is that, if things are working, there is more to be gained by resetting the marketing bias towards funnel optimization and incremental improvement in conversions rather than new stuff. This should include, and probably start with, analyzing your bottom of funnel...
How can marketing contribute best to lead generation?
Sarah Jordi
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Richard Anthony
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Don't eat yellow snow.
What is something everyone should know?
Jaskiran Kaur
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Richard Anthony
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Cut & paste.
What's one feature, in any product, that you cannot live without?
Lalit Pandey
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Richard Anthony
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I'm active and get a lot out of it. It feels more respectful and supportive then many indie or startup communities. And Courtland's podcasts are a good listen.
This is me on IH
Are you active on Indie Hackers?
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
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