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Roberto Morais
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I like to focus on small wins.
In short, creating something that I'm already capable of and that I can start and finish fast.
So I usually use my knowledge, interests, and complexity of the idea as a constraint for ideation.
From there I either try to solve a problem from a group/community I'm already part of (like board gamers for example) or my own problems.
How do you ideate for a side projects?
Gayatri Taley
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Roberto Morais
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I'm a board game design wannabe :D Never had the time but I love it and hope to do it someday.
There is a group on Reddit that might give you better answers than here.
Any board games creator here?
Edoardo Bevilacqua
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Roberto Morais
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Great job!
I will be trying it soon!
Marketing Week Challenge 2.0
Boost your marketing in 7 days

Roberto Morais
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I'm in.
Still looking into the best resources to learn but I'm very interested in image generations and so on.
Looking for connection with people interested in AI!
Edoardo Bevilacqua
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Roberto Morais
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One idea that I had in the past was to store all my "small" learnings (bad business to not buy anymore, good times for purchases, tips, etc) in a personal AI assistant and have it remind me at the right time.
What would a truly useful AI personal assistant look like to you?
Nuno Donato
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Roberto Morais
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Storyworthy, Matthew Dicks and Skin in the Game, Taleb.
I usually read 2 so I can switch when I'm not in the mood for one of them.
What are you currently reading?
Dávid Sipos
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Roberto Morais
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I'm not sure because I haven't used Evernote, but I believe Notion b2b approach with its main function (Knowledge base) being perfect for small/medium businesses helped a lot.
That's how I first discovered it and now I also use for my personal projects.
Why did Notion success while Evernote failed?
Joshua Dance
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Roberto Morais
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Current Twitter.
If you had the chance to see how any company works from the inside, which company would it be ?
Natallia Shakhmetava
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Roberto Morais
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Reading, Walking, and listening to music.
What activities relax you?
Aadithya kethu
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Roberto Morais
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In my case, it was meetings. I couldn't find any automation for it.
After I quit to start building my products, I think it's research.
I'm considering some automation for idea generation or research storage and consumption but not sure yet.
What does consume your time and energy the most?
Sefa Sarıkaya
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Roberto Morais
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I rather learn on my own but I think it is different from person to person.
In my case, what works is finding a project that needs the knowledge and start doing it.
Do you prefer to learn on your own or through a more formal education?
Polina Gollender
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Roberto Morais
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It couldn't be more accurate.
I would go as far as to say, "Putting yourself out there is the #1 success metric".
Putting yourself out there is the #1 success metric for startups. Convince me otherwise.
Elise Cannon
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Roberto Morais
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I relate a lot.
I don't think you get over the fear, but you learn to do what you need with it.
3 learnings I had that can help:
- Know for a fact those first tries will be bad and the only way to improve is by building, showing and getting feedback.
- Those scary "others" that are going to point fingers at our work doesn't exist. People will either ignore it or be supportive / offer...
How did you get over the fear of failure?
Derick Park
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Roberto Morais
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I've built two businesses from 0 to 100 employees remote first.
You lose a bit of the in-person companionship and some meetings/collaborations are harder.
The benefits are the obvious flexibility, easy for deep work, no need to commute, etc.
But the most important thing is understanding it's a different format of a company and create a culture that supports it. We had happy hour every Friday...
Pros and cons of a remote first company: Go!
Eric Amorin
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Roberto Morais
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I believe it works. It's a bit niche for sure but the marketplace helps.
If I'm not mistaken Loom and Grammarly started mainly as an extension.
Chrome Extensions as a business
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Roberto Morais
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I'm prohibited from looking into the comments. Too many newsletters already 😅 🙈.
What's your favourite niche newsletter?
Sveta Bay
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Roberto Morais
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I have used, and it looks promising but to be fair you need to invest some time to learn it properly and I haven't yet. So I can't say for sure.
What is the best AI copywriting tool?
Deniz AY
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Roberto Morais
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What is the objective? For more complex subjects I would rather have a video for learning, for opinions, short teaching and others text.
What do you prefer video content or static content?
Soumya Chaturvedi
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Roberto Morais
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Don't get attached to your project. If it's not working, either go to a different one or pivot.
If you could give only 1 advice to yourself at the beginning of your startup, what would it be?
Sveta Bay
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Roberto Morais
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Creating a new course for jr developers and got a few ideas for the tagline, still choosing one:
1. Get (and feel) fully ready for your first Jr. Developer role
2. Build the confidence you need to complete your career transition
3. Build the confidence you need to become a profesional developer
What is your tagline?
Mark Prutskiy
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