Most people know me as the guy who runs One Page Love – a small corner of the Internet curating Single Page websites. This niche idea ultimately helped me quit freelance and work on my side projects full-time. Wild right! One Page websites? Who knew. Right now I’m reviving my YouTube channel, interviewing makers on the Yo! Podcast, preparing to launch UX Love and helping others with landing page audits.
Maker History
- GvouchersFree service to sell gift vouchers to loyal customersApr 2020
- Email LoveEmail design inspiration, templates and discoverySep 2019
- One Page LoveWebsite inspiration & templates
- One Page Love 3.0Mar 2019
- One Page LoveDec 2014
- AudioNotesEasily record and share audio messages from your Mac menubarMay 2017
- Hustle PandaHighly curated brandable .com domains for startups.Mar 2016