Investor CRM
- Access a database of 80,000+ angel investors, VCs, hedge funds, family offices and other types of investors.
- Dig deeper by clicking links to their LinkedIn, AngelList, Twitter, Facebook and other online profiles.
- Add new investors to your target list fast and easy, with just a few clicks.
-Synch with web app at foundersuite.com

"How I Raised It" goes behind the scenes with startup founders who have successfully raised capital. We uncover the tips, tricks, and techniques they used to get investors to fund their startups. Covering "friends and family" rounds, seed, angel, and venture capital... here is how they did it (and how you can, too).

Investor Updater is a tool to build monthly or quarterly progress reports to send to investors. Use it to build relationships with prospective investors, and to leverage and activate your existing investors. Research shows that founders who send regular updates have a 200% greater chance of raising your next round. Investor Updater makes you a pro.