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Yoni Goldshtein

Yoni Goldshtein

Indie hacker, building things
47 points


Hey there! I'm Yoni, a 22-year-old indie hacker who's passionate about coding and building amazing products. I've been tinkering with technology for as long as I can remember, but actually learned to code just one year ago and still learning. I love nothing more than bringing ideas to life. I'm committed to delivering high-quality products that exceed expectations, and making fun, interesting products. I'm excited to showcase my latest projects and engage with the vibrant community of makers, builders, and innovators. I'm passionate about sharing my experiences and learning from others, and I'm looking forward to collaborating with other like-minded individuals.


Tastemaker 10
Tastemaker 10
Tastemaker 25
Tastemaker 25
Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
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