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Enis Gayretli

What is your favorite documentation tool?

So far, I have tried using Docusaurus, Apiary, Tettra and Scribe. Do you have any other tools you would recommend?

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Kaizen Order
Notion for personal projects. Confluence & One Note for work 👌
Maybe I'm too old school but I just use Google Docs for more official documents (RFCs, tech specs), Dropbox Paper for some more lightweight docs, and GitHub dcos for how tos
Mostly use Confluence, created there templates for different types of docs
Mehmet Çetin
I use 5% of Notion, and it's more than enough for me.
Petre Sosa
You can try Archbee. With Archbee, you break up your documentation into separate Spaces (public or private). Each Space contains what you need to share product-related updates: user guides, public or private portals, API docs, in-app contextual documentation.
Pradeepa Somasundaram
Document360 is a comprehensive documentation platform that allows you to create beautiful and interactive documentation. It provides a user-friendly interface and collaborative editing and supports Markdown as well as other formats. Document360 offers various features like versioning, search capabilities, and integrations with popular tools. Here are some common use cases where Document360 shines: Software Documentation: Document360 is an excellent choice for creating documentation for software projects. It allows you to document APIs, SDKs, libraries, and frameworks in a structured and organized manner. Product Documentation: Document360 is well-suited for creating comprehensive documentation for products or services. Whether you need user guides, installation instructions, configuration details, or troubleshooting documentation, you can include images, diagrams, videos, and interactive elements to enhance the documentation experience. Knowledge Bases and FAQs:Document360's structured approach to documentation makes it ideal for building knowledge bases and frequently asked questions (FAQ) sections. Internal Company Documentation: Document360 can be used as an internal documentation tool for companies. It allows you to create and maintain a centralized repository of knowledge, policies, procedures, and guidelines. Onboarding and Training: Document360 can play a crucial role in onboarding new employees or providing training materials. You can create structured learning paths, tutorials, and training guides using Document360.
flo merian
Launching soon!
heard that Mintlify ain't too bad -- might be biased