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Pradeep Muruganandam

Adapt Lead Builder - Get access to 80M+ B2B contacts across 30 industries

Build your Ideal Customer Profile in less than a minute using Adapt’s Lead Builder. It is home to 80M contacts, 12M decision makers across 30+ industries. The 25+ filters will help you build your target personas that can be tailored to your campaign needs.

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Anantharamakrishnan V
Worlds leading data provider.
Swetha Srivarna
The information is accurate, and it can be integrated into your CRM if that is what you are needing. I can save a lot of time not having to dig through contacts to get to the right one. I think there are a lot of other things this service can do, and I am so new that it will take some time to utilize all of the features. I like how I can use it with the touch of a button
Suhadev Venkatesh
Adapt is my go to tool if I have to find email I'd of any key business contact. It is always accurate and easy to use. Love using this product. Must have product for any marketing team
Manikandan Subramaniyam
99% accuracy. 80M contacts. 200K users. 1 Platform -
MuthTamil Anand
Awesome product to reach out sales and run more business effectively
200k users
Allwin Jashwa
Highly accurable
Vickram Halan
Adapt saves a lot of time to find sales & marketing prospects