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Kevin Li

Better - Your Personal Health Assistant


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Geoffrey Clapp
Update: Last week we did a major new revision, version 1.6 with new services, security, and messaging features - check it out!
Geoffrey Clapp
Thanks for the interest! We're here to answer any questions you have, and maybe even give out a few free trials of the PHA service, the real magic! Any questions I can answer for people?
Geoffrey Clapp
Rise is great. Suneel and I spent some time together when he was forming that idea, and I think the world of him, that team, and that solution. He's part of this movement toward human/technology/service delivery we're seeing across every industry, and certainly where my heart lies. The key difference I'd say between the two is that we tend more towards the medical. If you think about a continuum from wellness->prevention->at risk->critical/chronic, we live 10% in the first one (pure wellness), and 90% across the last three. In each of those areas, we're also focused on both the clinical and the administrative. One of the most interesting things we learned during customer feedback was how much time people spend - and how they drop out of the health care process - due to the complexity. There's a direct line between compliance and system complexity. Despite being in this space for a long time, it was not obvious to me how direct that line was. Helpful? Fire away, I'm not known for being bashful, ask anything you like.
Derek Shanahan
Really cool, just sent this to all my family members working in health care:)
Ryan Hoover
Welcome, @geoffclapp! Congrats on the launch. I like that you're using technology to facilitate human interaction as opposed to a more "scalable" automated/algorithmic/sterile approach. How does this compare to Rise? cc @Noah_L
Kevin Li
@geoffclapp how do i get anand to do my intro videos?
Geoffrey Clapp
@livelink - that's a tough one. To be honest, we almost didn't ask him, because his mom is so sick, and it feels nearly unethical to ask him, but he really wanted to do it. I suppose I could get on a high-horse and say "delight your customers" - and, it's true, and I'm so proud of what our team did for him. But the bottom line is that we were also lucky that he's so articulate, and willing to talk on camera. There's always a touch of luck. We flew a team to NYC to capture his story, because there are a lot of people like him we can help, and that's the goal. @rrhoover - this is pretty awesome to get to talk to folks direct like this.
Kevin Li
@geoffclapp that is an amazing story, thank you!
Noah Lichtenstein
@geoffclapp - Congrats on the launch. Better (@betterPHA) looks awesome! And I completely agree with your analysis of the differences between Better and Rise (@Rise). Rise is really focused on personalized and affordable nutrition coaching, and on the actual "delivery" of the "care/coaching." Best of luck with Better!
Geoffrey Clapp
@dshan hit me up at and we can probably hook them up with premium for a while, if tehy are interested! best --gjc
Geoffrey Clapp
@Noah_L Thanks man - funny to see you here and not in the kitchen at S+C! I really love the Rise team, too. Thanks again for the kind wishes. Let me know if you want to try our premium for a bit!
Geoffrey Clapp
@Noah_L And how cool is product hunt? @rrhoover has built something pretty cool.
Ryan Hoover
I swear I didn't tell @geoffclapp to say that. :) I appreciate it, Geoff.
Geoffrey Clapp
I can confirm, it was unsolicited, and well deserved @rrhoover