Hello Hunters,
Thank you for showing interest in our product. We have built chat page to simplify customer engagement by bringing all the tools you need to have engaging conversation with your leads and customers. If its sounds like something that can help you, please sign up for your chatpage. No charge for next 6 months for hunters who signup and provide us early feedback. Just shoot me a message on support.chat.page or leave your feedback in the comments below.
Happy to answer any questions. Hope our product can be of help to you!
@venu_kumar1 Looks good from what I can see. Small tiny detail. Under Features, Live Chat you have spelt "Receive" wrong, as in "Receive Notifications".
@aldo_silva Thank you for the question Aldo. If you are taking about providing slack notifications then yes we will provide integrations in future. but If you are asking for chat or video call integration I am sorry say no, at least not at this point. Slack is the best at what it is, a collaboration platform for teams. We want to evolve chat.page as 'the' product for businesses who engage with their customers day in and day out and we want to help move those engagements online as easily as possible. Hope it makes sense.
Chat page
Chat page
Chat page