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Mahesh Shrestha

CoinMarketCal - All crypto events that help crypto traders at one place


CoinMarketCal is the leading economic calendar for reliable cryptocurrency news. It covers all events that help crypto traders make better decisions.

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Anthony Ribeiro
Hi everyone 👋 Thanks for the hunt @alphahunter! We launched CoinMarketCal back in October 2017 with the goal of leveling the playing field within the trading community. Information discrepancies were unfair, we had to do something about it. With thousands of cryptocurrencies, we had no choice but build a collaborative platform, so anyone could make the world know what's going on with their favorite crypto project. Fast forward 3 years later and we're thrilled to help thousands of traders a day from all over the world. Since day one, we've always listened to our community and improved the platform accordingly (highlights, coin rankings, news, bots, indexes...). They are now asking for a mobile app. So I'm excited to announce that it's coming very soon! You can already join the waiting list 👉 If you discover CoinMarketCal today, welcome to the community! Give it a try and let us know what you think 👍
Mahesh Shrestha
@coinmarketcal, yeah, mobile app would make tracking crypto-events easier! Thanks for this great product, Anthony!
Donald Owings
Well, nice way to track all the tons of events happening in the cryptospace!
William Thomson
So if I’ve clearly understood the primary purpose of this app, it involves and deals with all events which will help us, traders in this field, right? I’ve not checked it yet, and that’s why I have some questions. There are a few, but the most important one is that is it possible to purchase crypto coins in coinmarketcal? As of rn, I purchase my bitcoins from Not that I don’t like their services. They're outstanding, but I want to start using an app like coinmarketcal, which will give me the option to purchase coins.
Zbigniew Żołnierowicz
My #1 place for tracking crypto events, I don't think there's anything like it either. By the way, shoutout to JRNY Crypto for introducing me to it!
James Quinn
Super useful! Will definitely save some people a lot of time
Benoit Chambon
Really useful! I know the core team, hard workers. Well done guys!
Saleem shezad
A great website.
Nazim @Koinju
Go go go CoinMarketCal !!! Love the product and the team @coinmarketcal
Max Prilutskiy
Good luck with the product! đź‘Ť
Jeff Raymundo
It's time now CoinMarketCal adds Earn feature similar to CoinMarketCap 2.0
Chrome suggested that I visit coinmarketcap - I wonder what effect this will have on the website.
Repsev 1
A quality platform, great for consultations and strategies in the financial world!