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Jack Smith

DailyVC - Daily links shared by VCs & Angel investors


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Josue Gio
DailyVC and born from the idea that information on Twitter flows too fast and is really hard to follow all the links shared by the smartest people in the world. @pmarca, for example, is tweeting between 50 and 200 times a day and is f** hard to follow him, so I thought it would be useful for his followers to see all his links in one place.
Angela Cois
Cool idea Josue, it'll save us tons of time and it may apply to a bunch of verticals actually. What about tech reporters?
Josue Gio
@angiecois Sounds interesting, just i have some doubts about what reporters are sharing, maybe they just share their own news or links.
David Glauber
I think that this product is a very valuable feedback to Twitter. This should be something that THEY solve. Not necessarily directly related to this great product: As twitter is trying to achieve growth on the general public now, they should be working on ways for everyone (including the moms & paps) to consume the wealth of tweets on topics they care about, which is now going to fast for them to follow.
Josue Gio
@dglbr super interesting! 100% agree!.
Karl Newell
This is great, and I completely agree, Twitter flows to fast and their list function doesn't cut it in my opinion.
Mohsen Khalkhali
Well done. Sounds like a good idea! We need to get them to use a single hashtag #vcthoughts
Harry Stebbings
As the Host of The Twenty Minute VC, I now have a new favourite resource! Awesome work guys! Love it!
Charles Jo
Is there an email that goes out daily for this?
Josue Gio
@charlesjo there is, it was implemented some hours ago, now you can subscribe for this... My concerns are about โ€œfrequencyโ€œ, daily or weekly? or every x day. The ideal is that users select this, but that need a little bit of programing. At the moment, you could signup...
Jack Smith
This seems like a cool project from @JosueGio. It's a stream of links shared by VCs and Angels. Kind of like Reddit for tech content (curated from twitter).
Josue Gio
@_jacksmith thanks for hunting! You are super quick hunting! :) I just shared the link for testing on Twitter... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Brad Yasar
@JosueGio I like it and yes info on twitter does flow fast :)