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Cody Krecicki

Decentrafile - Free anonymous decentralized cloud storage for everyone

Free decentralized cloud storage for file upload & image hosting. File uploads cannot be deleted, hacked, edited, never saved to any server + are only accessable by using a key. Files are never actually uploaded as something recognizable without our URL + key.

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Cody Krecicki isn’t anonymous and it costs money. Another company raised $1,000,000 recently to launch this same app I’ve made with a storage backend. That backend is coming soon to ours. Enjoy using this for anything you can think of.
Cody Krecicki
@vadim_shcherbakov thank you thank you, make sure you use it!
Cody Krecicki
@vadim_shcherbakov 🚀🎉☝️👍🏻
Thea Mark
This is such a useful tool to have!
Cody Krecicki
@thea_mark thank you friend make sure you read the hell it works on the blog
Preeti Chovoor
This is an awesome idea! I see it being super useful!
Cody Krecicki
@preeti_chovoor thank you friend. Wait till you see version 2!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Cody Krecicki
@bedirekim dude you’re right and I had not even thought of that and it’s hilarious. The only difference is I’m in my own house and not living in that dude‘s with investors or a team! 😂 this was 👍🏻
script 1337
damn its good
Cody Krecicki
@script_1337 thanks brother!!
Daler - Trademark Lawyer
Since the files cannot be deleted, for sharing purposes, it may be better to use some url shortener where you can control the shortened link. Then you can delete the shortened url if you no longer want to share the decentrafile link.
Cody Krecicki
@radjabovlaw 🤔 sounds like a great paid feature 🙏🏼
Gregory Wehmeyer
'The pictures & files you upload turn into unrecognizable pieces, distributed in cryptographic strings across thousands of computers of people like yourself. The file recreated back together is seen or downloaded when the file hash is copy & paste at the end of the URL' - Are the operators of these thousands of computers aware of the cryptographic strings being stored on their computers? How long are these strings stored on these computers? What if one or more go offline? Could the hash key not be provided to anyone at will, not just the file owner, making privacy more of an at will proposition. I'm not well-educated about these kind of advancements in storage, but I feel like there may be other concerns from those who are. Maybe you can help quell them.
Cody Krecicki
@gregory_wehmeyer go back to the website and scroll down to the little text line that says how it works I also post a link to the blog how it works here
Gregory Wehmeyer
@choiceinternetbrands 'I Want To Believe..." In your product. But I'm more confused by your blog post than I was before. Again, do the operators of the thousands of computers, nodes, whatever, know they are being used, and what happens to my data during retrieval, reintegration if one node or several go offline at once during the beam me back process?
Cody Krecicki
@gregory_wehmeyer If the node you upload it through goes off-line or clears it’s cache your items will be lost in the ether. if you run your own gateway it will be available until you shut your gateway down. If you want it to last forever and be permanently accessible you need to pin it to a service like Pinata
Chloe Morningstar
It's gonna be so useful to all.. Best of luck
What is this clickbait
Cody Krecicki
@rolodexter ? Read how filecoin and ipfs make it possible
Love the retro look. Is this based on IPFS?
Cody Krecicki
@cris_stringfellow yes everything is uploaded to IPFS. I’m just making it accessible and fun.
something very different from everything that already exists. great, excellent product
Cody Krecicki
@tochiro that was a great complement thank you for that.
Can you upload video or audio files?
Isaiah Solis
rather than worry about the thousands of computers needed, simply remind yourself that if a product is free, then the consumer is the actual “product”
Cody Krecicki
@theiff Not in this case like you’d think. The storers are rewarded Filecoin by those running nodes. If you are not familiar with Filecoin please go to this link Also visit to understand Decentrafile works. I’ll put Google Adsense on this. Eventually. Not now. Also I will have a paid version of this. This is the minimum viable product I launched to see if it was even worth pursuing. People seem to love it! Accessibility to the blockchain and decentralized web products is the next wave of Web3. I want to be apart of it. Hopefully lots of people will use the free service and I’ll make money from Adsense until I launch a version with lots of features.
NeO Đoàn
Greate product, thanks