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Michael Seibel - Your all-in-one developer page is your all-in-one developer page - a single page with your info, bio (markdown supported), skills, and links to your GitHub, StackOverflow, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog and more. Claim your username and build an amazing page in just 2 minutes!

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Lior Grossman
Hey Product Hunters! 😻 I’m Lior, part of the team behind, and today we’re excited to introduce you to, your all-in-one-developer page! Having spent the past 2 years working with developers, we’ve noticed developers have so many different online profiles - from GitHub, GitLab and StackOverflow, through professional profiles on LinkedIn and AngelList, personal profiles on Twitter or Facebook, and platforms like Medium, Behance, and DEV. What we didn’t find, though, is one dedicated place for developers to simply present themselves and showcase all their different profiles, skills, projects, and information. That’s why we set out to build - an all-in-one homepage for developers: 🏎️ Build a page in less than 2 minutes! Don’t believe me? See here: 🔗 Include links to your GitHub, GitLab, StackOverflow, LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Discord, AngelList, Crunchbase, DEV, Medium, Behance and more 💪 Add as many skills as you’d like to showcase what you are good at 📄 Include your biography and info with the power of Markdown! Go ahead and claim your username on We’d love to hear your feedback, what else would you like to see on your The team is here to answer your questions all day.
Lior Grossman
@nadav21 Thank you!
Lior Grossman
@stefan_smiljkovic nice profile!
Lior Grossman
@sergey_burykin Congrats!
Lior Grossman
UPDATE 11am PT: we're stunned by all the positive responses, thank you for all your support! 🙏 We have seen 2,000 new profiles created over the past 10 hours (!) and have started curating some beautiful featured profiles here: Built a beautiful and want it to be featured? Reply here with your URL!
Lior Grossman
@cosmickitten Thanks Rachel, what a great profile! We love the use of fonts, emojis, and markdown! You are featured!
Lior Grossman
Musharof Chowdhury
A bio page but specially for Devs. Nicely executed, congrats on the launch 🚀
Lior Grossman
@musharofchy Thank you! Glad you like it
Looks neat, could you make the profile pictures smaller, or give an option for different sizes? @liorgrossman
Lior Grossman
@nechemiahk Thank you! That's great feedback. We're thinking of introducing a drag & zoom component so you can edit a photo after you upload it. Is that what you had in mind?
@liorgrossman not exactly, more like being able to pick how much room on the page it takes up. I think I would like something more like a "card"
Nimrod Kramer
Love the domain! One question - how is it different compared to products like Showwcase and
Lior Grossman
@nimrodkramer Great question! I'd say is not as capable, but it's much simpler to use. There are dozens of tools for developers to create profiles, but we opted to go for a simple and elegant page that anyone can set up in just 1-2 minutes (see here:
Lior Grossman
@nimrodkramer P.S. We're trying to avoid going down the path of, which IMHO was a great product when launched, but has become really bloated with too many capabilities over time.
Hai Nguyen
nice tool
Lior Grossman
@hai_nguyen14 Thank you!
Liana Adamyan
cool product!
Lior Grossman
@liana_adamyan Thanks, glad you like it!
Ikramuddin Farooqui
Didn't knew I needed that. Thanks for creating it. @Lior
Lior Grossman
@ikramf90 Life is full of surprises 🤷 Glad you're enjoying it
Limited Timing
Excellent product! Congrats on launch!
Lior Grossman
@gcucci Thank you Vitalie!
Jose Eduardo Saura
Good one, super fast and easy tbh
Lior Grossman
@jose_eduardo_saura Thank you! Fast is what we were aiming for 🏎️
Dianne Smith
i love everything on 1 page
Lior Grossman
@mamasboi62 One page to rule them all!
"If and Github had a baby"
Lior Grossman
@ptashytz Not bad! I would take that mashup. P.S. I think was great back in the days, but it has become more and more bloated with features in recent years.
Benjamin Grandfond
Cool product! I am so thrilled to claim the "benjamin" username 🤩 Congrats on your launch ?makers
Lior Grossman
@benjamin_grandfond2 Thank you - can congrats on the awesome username!
Avinash Dalvi
Nice tool 👍🏻
Lior Grossman
@aviboy2006 Thank you!
Ahmet Korkmaz
It's have simple usage. Congrats 🎉
Lior Grossman
@ahmetkorkmaz3 Thank you, yeah, simplicity is what we were aiming for!
Ivan Skrypachov
So cool! Guys it is amazing thing, one love!
Lior Grossman
@elvis_inside Thank you Ivan!
Yuri Drabik
You guys are doing a great job! Upvoted and claimed the page. Have you thought of creating widgets to embed to Github profiles README (and other markdown pages). Something like I have on my profile but maybe including more stats. I think you have all needed tech and data. And I believe you could make a lot of traffic from that. We (devs) love such widgets :D
Lior Grossman
@yuridrabik Congrats! We actually added markdown support (to the "Your Story" field) so you can create something like GitHub README! For example, see here: We use GitHub flavored markdown, the only downside is that right now we don't supported embedded HTML, but we're working on that!
Ryan Lanciaux
This is a very nice, simple and clean developer profile!
Lior Grossman
@ryanlanciaux Thank you! Glad you like it!
Mike Lutz
This thing is dang handy! I've been looking for a way to consolidate all the interesting stuff about me without being forced to hand it over to the big players (LinkedIn etc). Good stuff, thanks for this!!
Lior Grossman
@mikemikel Glad you like it - it's indeed meant to be a place for you to consolidate your info! Would be happy to see your profile
Kristie Smith
A good tool for bio page with an attractive url.
Lior Grossman
@kristie_smith Thank you Kristie, glad you like it