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Felix Rieseberg

Electron Fiddle - Create, run, package, and share experiments with Electron.

Top Product

Electron Fiddle lets you create and play with small Electron experiments. Start with a template & choose the version of Electron you want to run it with, and play around. Then, save your Fiddle either as a GitHub Gist or to a local folder. Once pushed to GitHub, anyone can quickly try your Fiddle out by just entering it in the address bar.

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Roland Clifford
Good Idea I like it)
Felix Rieseberg
Top Product
Hey there, Felix here! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions - I’ve worked pretty hard on this first iteration but I’m sure that there’s a lot more we can do.
Csaba Kissi
I'll definitely try this. Seems to be very promising 👍
Good job!I will try it soon
Petros Dertsakyan
gotta tell my developer about this
Alexander Smekhov
An excellent idea, sharing as a GitHub Gist and turning experiments into binaries are very useful for developers
Babken Karapetyan
Look interest.
Zhenya Kazaryan
Hey, Good luck :)