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Andreas Ink

ExamCram 2.0 - AI shortcuts for students

Students can study smarter with ExamCram's AI shortcuts. Create quick quizzes from anything so you can start learning instead of compiling flashcards and study guides. Go deep into material with deep docs, a tool to question your learning material. And more...

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Andreas Ink
Hi Product Hunt! I developed ExamCram to empower students like myself to study smarter not harder. ExamCram narrows your focus to what you need for your upcoming tests using AI and documents you upload. Features include: - Quick Quizzes: Convert anything into quizzes to study faster - Flashcards, MCQ, and Matching Mode - Statistics + progress visualizations to keep on track - Deep Docs: Question documents you upload to grasp concepts - Chip Chats: Scan and solve problems and ask questions about them - Study with Siri: Study hands free with your voice and Siri - Live Schedules: Just like a notification, see your progress and a countdown till your course on your lock screen I grew frustrated with professors who did not give study guides for midterms and compiling flashcards just takes too much time and offers little value for me. With this in mind I created ExamCram's Quick Quizzes feature that converts anything into quizzes so I never have to worry about a professor who doesn't give study guides. I enjoy coding solutions that make people more productive or healthier, I've found ExamCram to do both. Productive, as it saves time by understanding concepts faster + reducing the amount of study set compiling time and health in terms of less stress. ExamCram is deeply integrated with iOS making it perfect for students who optimize their iOS device with live schedules to remind students of upcoming lectures, to studying with Siri for greater accessibility with hands free studying to interactive widgets on iOS 17 that encourage studying even without opening the app (not released yet, ETA: October). I'm excited to see what you all think, always open to feedback! Here are a few promo codes if you'd like to try Study Pro (unlocks all features)... KFKP4K33NLP9 P973AKFEMWJK FWAWPKWPKNYR XPJNNKWF3MWA W7J3K9N7RYHF
Alex Chepovoi
Cool app for students!
Monika Buchelt
Congrats on the launch! It all sounds fantastic. It's so good that AI is applied to help students learn rather than generate answers. I love this idea. Can you elaborate on how ExamCram uses AI to help students narrow their focus for upcoming tests? What kind of documents can users upload to achieve this?
Jake Harrison
I think student will definitely like this one. I have two questions, 1. How do you deal with the copyright. 2. Is there any integrity problem for this kind of tools?
ExamCram's AI shortcuts sound promising; I'm expecting useful tools to save me time and help me better understand my material.