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Harris Roberts

GiveDirectly - Send money directly to someone in extreme poverty

Help lift someone above the extreme poverty line by sending money directly to them. People in poverty know best how to improve their lives — cash enables that choice.

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Harris Roberts
Hi Product Hunt! I’m Harris from the Growth team at GiveDirectly. Happy Giving Tuesday! GiveDirectly is a nonprofit that lets donors send money directly to the world’s poorest, no strings attached. Many charities will ask you to “sponsor a child,” but your money isn’t really going to that person — the child is just used to make an emotional appeal as a marketing tactic. What if you could actually see who your donation goes to and how they’re spending the money? We’re launching a new product that actually matches donors directly with the person they’re funding. • For $40 / month, you can lift a family above the extreme poverty line and enable them to afford their basic needs • The person you’re matched with will receive monthly transfers delivered via mobile money • You’ll get updates every few months on how they spend your donation and its impact on their life Donors are currently being matched with families in Maryland, Liberia, one of the poorest regions in Africa. 80% of people there live on less than $1 / day, and it’s too remote for most aid groups to reach. Many people (including us) grew up hearing that “you can’t just give money to poor people.” As it turns out, 300+ research studies have shown that direct giving is an effective way to help people in poverty (no, they don’t just blow it on booze). We believe that families in poverty deserve the dignity to choose how best to improve their lives. Cash enables people to invest in their own unique needs and goals, whether that’s starting a business, building a house, or paying their child’s school fees. GivDirectly donors have sent over $580M to over 1.3 million people across 11 countries, and GiveDirectly was the fastest-growing nonprofit in the world in 2020, according to Forbes. You can donate directly to someone in poverty today at Thanks, and let us know what feedback you have on the product!
Olivia Chen
So exciting! What a great way to celebrate Giving Tuesday and directly support someone in extreme poverty.
Tyler Hall
Have used if for a few months and (candidly) I'm a HUGE fan
Szymon Boniecki
Wonderful work @harrisroberts and the team. The message is very clear and easy to act. I’ve been a donor for years now and will continue to be so on campaigns like this one.
Rhymer Espinosa
Hello. Is the help limited to Africa? Does this help children and their education? I've seen a documentary (Most Dangerous Ways to School) about children in Bolivia who walks miles in the jungle to go to school. I believe they need help too. I'd love to help. :)