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Chris Messina

Glasses by Warby Parker - Find the perfect frames using iPhone X’s TrueDepth camera


Glasses by Warby Parker cleverly using the iPhone’s camera to take maps of people’s faces, and use that data to recommend styles of glasses that will best fit your face. It’s a step beyond the digital try on system the company has previously offered, where it would try to place a virtual pair of glasses on a picture to let you see how it looks.

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Chris Messina
Such an incredibly simple and clever use of the iPhone X TrueDepth camera, whether it really works or not:
Ankush Gupta

Overall, definitely a novel use of the iPhone X's face mapping. I'm also more than a little happy that I picked the first pair this recommended all on my own :)


Awesome concept, pairs really well with their try-at-home kit so you can get fewer duds and more legitimate options to pick from


Would be even better if you could actually virtually "try on" the glasses to see they look, instead of just getting suggestions

Ali R. Tariq
Seriously, Snapchat's been doing amazing AR filtering for years now. You'd think companies like Warby Parker would've been all over this kind of tech to deliver great virtual experiences of trying on glasses.
Damn, now I have to buy an iPhone X in order to get a perfect frame.
Chris Guest
@huangdun I have good news: works on any iPhone. (FD: I work there)
Lee Rickler
So, technically this tech has been around for a while, or at least different versions of it. From simply 'check your new make-up' to full body scans for clothes etc. What would be good is you scan your face and the store holds a 3d version allowing them to update your prescription whenever needed. Of course, then we tread over to the 'personal data/ security/ facial recognition realm and the fact that Apple will have even more data to use against you.
Chris Guest
This is a natural move for Warby and will likely help customers narrow down their range. It will be interesting to hear if customers really find the recommended glasses actually fit when they receive them for real. Several commenters here are asking about support for other iPhones, AR try-ons and "whether it really works or not". Therefore may I humbly nod towards Topology Eyewear here on PH: The key difference is that while WP use a scan to recommend which of their stock eyewear might fit best, Topology custom make frames from scratch for one person at a time, using any iPhone to get the customer's shape and size, and providing a virtual try-on as a preview. Topology glasses don't exist until they are ordered, and a perfect fit is guaranteed or you get your money back. (Full disclosure: I work at Topology)
Ciocanel Razvan
Now this is a cool concept for buying glasses. Amazing work Chris.
Kyryll Kozak

This app will help me to understand what of the glasses should I buy


I think it looks great


I cannot use it because I need to change store in my phone to USA. I'm from other country and cannot use it :(

Chakib Tsouli
Really funny. Two days ago I sent them an email inquiring about whether they create 3D models for their products and whether they can provide them, because I was working with a guy on an app that uses FaceID to help users try glasses on their phones.
Vlad Korobov
Do you know who made the app? internal team or some agency? Looks and works good.
How do I actually try them on in the app. Can’t find the way.
Chris Messina
@ispekhov you have an iPhone X?
Brandon McConnell

With the feature already being so common these days, the most useful and beneficial feature would be to actually try glasses using ARKit. This could even handle sizing if the user chooses to check them out directly from within the app, and of course, the automatic sizing detected by the camera could be overridden by the user manually during checkout if they so chose.


Very helpful


Not as convenient

Wade Sellers
I see where they are going and it's awesome... BUT I would've kept it a secret until it shows me wearing the glasses in real-time with the camera. Dang so close but that's the real piece of WOW they needed! I hope it's coming. I can't see why not.
John Mitchell
@wade_sellers Perhaps there is no value added to warby by offering in-app AR try on. If they don’t get it right, it could actually hurt sales from the app. Obviously it’s something they should test though 🤗
Rudy Lee
@wade_sellers Hmmm well I do agree with you on the fact that it could harm them if they don't get it right part, however, if they do get it right that could be a huge win for the developers!
Edward Vasquez
this is really the future!
Rayev Kaniyet
Finally no need to spend time trying glasses. I spend at least 2 hours (1 hour to get to glass shop, and 1 hour on trying) to find ideal glasses. So apart from looking like a great and convenient app, it saves so much time. Will recommend to all of my friends.