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Nina Achadjian

OptionPlan Seed - Helping seed-stage founders design stock option plans


OptionPlan Seed is the go to app for founders designing their ESOP. It uses the latest benchmark data from 20,000 option grants from 1,600 start ups to cover every role in the team, providing 6 different levels of allocation benchmarks.

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Dominic Jacquesson
I'm Dominic Jacquesson, VP Insight & Talent at Index Ventures, a global VC fund that has invested in iconic companies like Roblox, Deliveroo, Robinhood, Datadog, Confluent, Slack, and Farfetch. I'm really excited to launch OptionPlan Seed, which we hope becomes the go-to app for all seed founders designing their ESOPs. I would love to hear your feedback! OptionPlan was launched for Series A founders 4 years ago, and has been used by thousands of startups to design a custom option plan in just a few minutes. Today, we have created OptionPlan for Seed, to help early-stage founders answer questions like: ‘How much equity should I give to new hires?’ ‘How do I deal with the differing expectations for different roles?’ ‘How do I design a system that will be consistent and fair in the long run?' OptionPlan seed is based on the largest ever set of benchmark data, comprising over 20,000 option grants from more than 1,650 startups across the US and Europe. It allows you to design your custom ESOP by: - Calculating upside for each team member - Covering every role in your team - Adjusting for policy and tax frameworks in 24 countries Please try it out and do let me know what you think!