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Emin Aliyev

6000 Angel Investors DB from Murmur - find top angel investors for your startup


Use Murmur Investor database to find the top angel investors who is ready to fund your startup.

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Emin Aliyev
Hi everyone, I have been doing startups since 2015 and always was struggled with finding the right angel investors, VC for my startups. During those years i created a list of active angels and vc who invest into startups by industry and size. From investors i raised for Murmur $250K on my pre-seed round. Some good people helped me a lot to create this list and now sharing it with community. Fundraising is a full time job and it is so hard if you do not contract the right investors.
Danish Jaffer
@emin_aliyev This is great way to help the fellow founders who are beginners and trying to get going.
Emin Aliyev
@danishjaffer Always happy to help and share my knowledge with fellow founders
Cabo Ramsey
Very straightforward, very helpful! Thank you for your efforts and thank you for sharing. I hope people who find success from using this (maybe even my team) will update you when it happens.
Emin Aliyev
@cabo_ramsey Happy to help. and wish you successful fundraising
Ann  Putinceva
Thank you! It's very helpful!
Emin Aliyev
@ann_putinceva thank you for your support
Marilena Parolise
Thank for sharing this info. Very helpful.