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Suren Petrosyan

Job Board Fire - Create a free Job Board Website

Job Board Fire helps content creators and entrepreneurs monetize their audience by creating a job board.

You can have your own branded job board, ready to generate revenue in minutes.

Our goal is to help content creators monetize their audience with a job board they control, so they are no longer beholden to sponsors for revenue.

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Ben Tossell
Looks good! I'm not sure I understand the pricing model though. Could you please explain it?
Suren Petrosyan
@bentossell Hey Ben, thanks! Anybody can create a job board website with their branding and custom domain name, for free, forever. If they choose to start charging companies money to post jobs, Job Board Fire keeps 10% of the sale. Is that clearer? I've been struggling with simplifying it for the landing page. I guess I've done a terrible job, because others have been asking me what my pricing model is as well 😕. On another note... what's a guy gotta do to get their app on I think it's a pretty good fit...
Ben Tossell
@webdevsuren Yeah that's clearer. I'd suggest outlining that sentence on your landing page. "If you charge for job posts on your board, 10% of that sale goes to JBF" it's on there 😉
Suren Petrosyan
@bentossell Thanks! Just updated the pricing section text, by popular demand. By the way I'm definitely a future user. Awesome collection there.
Dragos Ivanov
@webdevsuren For me it doesn't make sense. How will you know if they make a sale or not? Anyway, Congrats on the launch. I really think that HR is a good industry. A lot of potential clients on LinkedIn EDIT: Understood now
Suren Petrosyan
@ivandrag No worries, a lot of people have that question. I think the wording on my landing page is not clear enough. Mind sharing what part was confusing / what helped you understand how it works?
Aaron O'Leary
Cool idea! Can you embed the job boards on to your own website?
Suren Petrosyan
@aaronoleary Thanks! Well, nothing is stopping you from putting it in an iframe, or pointing to it, but there is no cleaner way of embedding it at the moment. Will put it on my ever growing list of things to add though (:
Aaron O'Leary
@webdevsuren "ever growing list" that's the sign of dedication, congrats on the launch!! 🎉
Suren Petrosyan
@aaronoleary Thank you! I'm so anxious to see how people receive it after so much time spent creating it. My last project that I launched was tiny compared to this...
Aaron O'Leary
@webdevsuren i'm sure it will do great, I have faith! 🙌
Aaron O'Leary
@bentossell Another tool for no-code?
Ben Tossell
@aaronoleary yeah! when I understand the pricing 😉
Travis R
@aaronoleary @bentossell Thanks for helping him out man. Just got off the phone with him as he's local in LA to me. Super smart kid and this site is a great start. There are ton of ways to monetize this I think.
Fernando Angli
This is great, just last week I was thinking about making a very simple job board, and this looks perfect for it. Are you planning on releasing an API? It would be awesome, even though I understand this is for people that doesn't want to code anything, an API could potentially make this a passive income tool by automating job posts from other sites.
Suren Petrosyan
@fernando_angli Thanks! A full API as well as a full Zapier integration are on the roadmap. I want to make automation as simple as possible for developers and non-developers.
Mohammad Amirbayat
@fernando_angli @webdevsuren I have tried both job board kit and job board fire. Never got a response from owners, support, contact, info. 0 support for over 2 months from Job board Fire. Switched to Job board kit, zero support there also. Avoid these companies unless you can talk to them first. Response rate is absolute ZERO.
Suren Petrosyan
Hey Product Hunt people! I'm so excited to finally share Job Board Fire with you. I've been working on this project for a while, and I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to it. Job Board Fire is still a baby and has so much functionality to grow into, but I think I have created a very solid version 1.0 that will be useful for creators. I'm here to answer any questions, and take any feedback you may have.
Looks great! Also it's cool that you only charge a % of what people make, great initiative 👏
Danielle Johnson
Nice idea! Charging a percentage of paid job postings is a great idea too as the customer only pays you when they're being paid 🙌. But I think you need to make this clearer on your landing page as the pricing section isn't super obvious ATM
Daniel Roger Casanova
Both this and the pricing model is absolutely genius. Great job!
Antoine Milkoff
It looks excellent ! I was looking for a no-code jobboard builder for a long time. It can be improved (adding caegories for exemple) but it's already great
Suren Petrosyan
@antoinemilkoff Adding job board owner defined tags / categories is at the top of my to do list since I am waiting for it to officially launch :)
Joe Thomsett
Looks great. Would love to see tags/categories and be able to indeed back fill to help get started. I'm going to try it out :-)
Mohammad Amirbayat
I have tried both job board kit and job board fire. Never got a response from owners, support, contact, info. 0 support for over 2 months. Switched to Job board kit, zero support there also. Avoid these companies unless you can talk to them first. Response rate is absolute ZERO.