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Tom Jacquesson

Twitter Growth Challenge 2022 - Get results. Grow an audience. Win prizes.

Join the 2022 Twitter Growth Challenge. Build up an engaged audience, win prizes, meet new like-minded people. All for free.

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Tom Jacquesson
Hey everyone! We all know it: Twitter is one of the best places for makers and creators to build relationships, find business opportunities and make sales. But results only come when you commit and take action. This is why @thibaultll, JK and I launched a Twitter Growth Challenge. ✅ It's entirely free ✅ It's not JUST about followers, it's about building an engaged audience ✅ Win helpful resources to level up your Twitter game ✅ Access a community of like-minded participants (optional) 🤫 + a special, incredible big prize for the top performers #️⃣ You DON'T have to use a hashtag with every tweet to keep playing Our goal is to get you that extra motivation to focus on something you'll have a use for all your life: an engaged audience. We hope you like it! Cheers, Tom
Ana Bibikova
You guys are incredible! Thank you for launching this challenge 💜 the idea of winning a 🍰 of TweetHunter is just mind blowing I would upvote it x10 if I could 😁
Tom Jacquesson
Thanks @anab ! Always happy to get your support!
Allan Ibutiti
Gamifying my Twitter growth is exactly what I needed to keep going! I've learnt so much from other creators in the challenge and the resources are fantastic 👌🏾👌🏾 Thanks for setting this up!
@allanibutiti Super happy you like it, thanks for checking it
I don't think I'm going to win, but it sounds fun!
@cogentgene If you grow just a bit, that's already a win :D Thanks for taking a look
I'm in the top 5, looking forward to this!!
Porush Puri
Congratulations on the launch 🚀
@porush_puri Thanks a lot Porush
I have been following TweetHunter and the work of tibo and tom since the beginning. I immediately used the tool I do not regret and this challenge is just great
Csaba Kissi
Its a fantastic idea from you guys! Good luck!
Arnaud Belinga
I joined the challenge, Thomas and Tibo went with a super formula to make things equal for everyone. They break things and move fast, they mastered the art of gamification, join the challenge guys, you will learn a lot along the way :D
Balázsi Róbert
What a great initiative, guys! These challenges are great accountability systems and motivation boosters.
Miriam Dorsett
Count me in!
Harvey Sison
Happy to be part of this challenge. Really helped me grow in Twitter
Ghost Kitty
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