The inspiration for this project came from a really tight-knit Slack group I'm in (Product People Club). We're always sharing little marketing tips + tweaks with each other. These are activities that typically take 15 minutes to do, but can add up to big improvements for a product business.
So I thought: "Why not create a service that emails a (small) tactic every day?"
That's how Tiny Wins was born.
@mijustin do you ever stop making?! haha
Two weeks ago you launched Marketing for Developers which got a great response on PH!
How do you have time for it all and what compels you to keep making?
Keep up the great work!
@bentossell oh man. Well, a lot of nights I work super late (like lately).
I also try to give my self 1-2 "project goals" a day. I've been doing this journaling thing that @mikevardy recommended: every night I go over what I accomplished, and set a few goals for hte next day.
@mijustin on your landing page you mention that you will test something every day - does that mean on us? Or will you be reporting back on things your businesses have done? Or maybe even taking marketing problems from your subscribers' businesses and testing those?
We recently launched a daily newsletter which went down really well (much better than expected!), so there's definitely a place for this sort of thing. I'm a big fan of daily small actionable chunks so this should be good 👍
Really digging Justin's book Marketing for developers and now he drops this beauty! I'm lapping it all up and looking forward to share how I'm using it for the launch of my new project
Nice! I also use even though lately is getting full of ads and you only get one idea a week unless you pay to get them daily.
Brutal Teardowns
Pipl API
Summer Bod 2020