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Josh Pigford

Financial Freedom Calculator - How long can you be financially independent?


Financial independence is the dream. Based on your savings and monthly expenses, how close are you to making it? Or what should your goal be? Find out with this free calculator from Maybe!

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Josh Pigford
One of the first steps towards actually becoming financially independent is knowing when you can be financially independent! "Financial independence" means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. For some, it's full-on retirement. Never work another day in your life. For others, it's taking a year off to travel. Whatever that looks like for you, we wanted to build a fun and free mini-tool to give you an idea of how much personal runway you've got based on your current savings and expenses. This tool isn't meant to be exhaustive. There are certainly many factors that affect your ability to be financially independent. But hopefully this helps you set some goals as you figure out what you want from life!
Youri Nelson
Went to your landing page and this is a very interesting product. Is your primary goal financial education? Also what is your long term vision for this product? Also, this may just be a personal preference but when dealing with things that pertain to my finances I want to feel excited, positive and like the future looks bright and the colors on your landing page are very dark and don't really give me that vibe. I like the color combinations a lot, it's just the emotions that it evokes don't jive well when thinking about finances if that makes sense. That being said i am super intrigue and want to know more about your product.
Josh Pigford
@youreka Thanks for the feedback, Youri! This is ultimately a free mini-tool for marketing. 🙂 Our main app (which we're building now) will be a full-on financial manager. Education is part of that, but ultimately Maybe will help you manage your finances and grow your wealth, all without needing to use/pay a financial planner.
Pratik Khandagale
Does the tool internally considers the inflation? If not, it may end up painting quite a wrong picture about one's finances. I really the liked the idea of abstracting lots of critical parameters. But, while such abstraction provides a good head start but it should provide the right output. (Atleast in the ballpark region) Well, even the output is right or wrong can be subjective when it comes to the retirement corpus but the general idea is, it is better to be liberal with estimates rather than being conservative.
Josh Pigford
@allpratik It does not. Inflation can vary wildly based on many factors (including geography). You'd just bump up that "Annual return on savings" if you want to account for whatever inflation rate you feel would be best based on your timeline and location. This particular free mini-tool is not mean to be exhaustive. It's mean to give you a broad idea of what goals to set. The full Maybe app *will* take all the various factors in to account to give you a much more personalized view in to this sort of thing.
This is relevant to our time :) congrats and good luck! 🚀