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Sergey Nikolaev

Naker.Story - Create 3D interactive web content, no coding skills needed

Storytelling, scroll, 3D on the web and no code = Naker.Story!
‍Naker.story enables to create an interactive journey within your specific environment and showcase your product, service or story with a 3.0 scrollytelling web experience!

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Nicolas Jacques
Hey Guys! First, we'd like to thank @qvantor for hunting us! Valentin, Jennifer and I are super happy to be featured today on PH! (and to be nominated in the Golden Kitties!) Examples of what could be created with Naker: Smartwatch: Smartphone: Laptop: Floor lamp: Headphones: Perfume: Watch: How to stand out and catch the attention of web users? Videos 📹 are now the most engaging content on the web and more than 94% of the organizations will use videos in 2019. We think that video are good way to immerse your audience and do some storytelling, but there is a lack of interactivity! 🎮 Naker is a free 3D content builder on the web to create interactive content 7x times more engaging than a classic marketing videos, and let you immerse your audience in a super engaging and innovative digital storytelling experience! 📚 The tool is made for everyone: artists, designers, agencies and brands, won't require any technological knowledge (it's drag-and-drop only) and you can publish 💻 your 3D experience on the web... in one click, for mobile, tablets, desktops and soon VR headsets! 👥We've launched the v1 almost 6 weeks ago and we already have 700+ users! (We now have more than 4000 users) Every PH user is very welcome to join the Nakers community :D I hope that you'll create engaging immersive and interactive experiences and make the web cool again with us! In the meantime, we'll be around all day to answer your questions :) Would love to hear your feedback! 3D, innovation and lots of love! 💌 #webGL #webVR #3D #content #babylonJS
Sergey Nikolaev
Found this in a Medium. Often was thinking about something like that. What do you think about 3d in a modern web, guys?
Nicolas Jacques
@qvantor Wow, thanks a lot for your hunting Sergey! We want to make the web cool again, offering a simple to use content builder for 3D on the web! Let's make the web cool again together!
Anna Zach

I highly recommend this product . The mentality behind its design constitutes the future of webvr


Practical, convenient, web accessed, variety of assets , accessible even to non-technical people



Nicolas Jacques
Thanks a lot Anna :D
Aaron O'Leary
this is really cool! Definitely going to use this more
Nicolas Jacques
@aaronoleary Thanks a lot! We would love to onboard you on the app when you want! :D
Valia Havryliuk
Wow, Naker is wonderful! Now even me can create 3D objects 😍 I think, your tool must be in this list as well:
Nicolas Jacques
@valiahavruliyk Thanks a looot :D
jv hirigoyen
Great team and amazing product ! good luck for the launch guys
Nicolas Jacques
@hirigoyenjv :D thanks a lot!
Marin Postma
Super innovative product! keep going guys!!
Nicolas Jacques
@marin_postma Let's make the web cool again!!!
Nicolas Jacques
@marin_postma Merci! Let's make the web cool again!
Marie Cabirou
I am working with them for me jewelry line, they are awesome !!! Great hunt !
Nicolas Jacques
@marie_cabirou Thanks a lot! We will make jewellery cool again !
Sali Farran
trop cool et créatif
Naïlé Titah
Nice ! I think these guys are about to disrupt 3D use on websites.
Nicolas Jacques
@naile_titah Thanks a lot Naïlé!! Let's make the web cool again :)
Nicolas Jacques
Examples of what could be created with Naker: - Fashion: - Luxury: - Hardware tech:
Nom Prenom
Really awesome. Highly recommend it
Nicolas Jacques
@jcoggff Let's make the web cool again!
Jules Maregiano
Extremely cool!! Turns your average looking website in something unique!!
Nicolas Jacques
@jukkez Thanks a lot Jules! :D Engagement is the key :)
Zack Hickman
My poor GPU in those demos
Nicolas Jacques
@hickmanzackary Hi Zack! Performance is always a stake, but accessibility is one of our core value. We aim that every experience created on naker works on an Iphone 5, in 3G in less that 3 seconds in more than 40 fps. On which type of device did you struggle with the GPU? Thanks for the feedback :)
Zack Hickman
@make_the_web_cool_again Running a precision 5510 - Quadro M1000M I opened the IoT demo and then went to working on something else and a minute later it had the GPU pegged at 100%
Nicolas Jacques
@hickmanzackary Interesting, and is it the same with another experience? This would be the more demanding I think so far:
Loïse Mercier

I use the product to create 3D digital experiences. I can fully customize them and edit when needed! It’s just so co venaient and I don’t need to know how to code nor am I a 3D designer. With Naker : I really speed up my work and create awesome 3D pages!!!!


I just love it! So easy to use! Very user friendly. I love the fact that there are templates available!


Well, I don’t see cons

Po Hsien Chu
Cool stuff! Would it run smoothly on smart phone?
Nicolas Jacques
@po_hsien_chu Hey there! It does actually. Responsiveness is key for us, and it should work on an iphone 5, on 3G in less than 3 seconds :)
Aiden Jackson
Nicolas Jacques
Simply "wow". PS Check nav links on your website (accessed from different pages). I found `Concept` link broken when trying to access it from ``.
Nicolas Jacques
BIG THANKS! Yes, Product Hunt went faster than we expected, a brand new, cooler website will be on its way soon. But thanks, we will arrange that soon. Can't wait to have yon onboard in the Naker community :)
Jesse Jensen
Since Google has the new tool Lighthouse, how will implementing Naker affect page speed of a website?
clément carrier
Great product, 1 min to build, 1 min to integrate on our app : ! Well done 💪