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Bryan Ware

Pixilart - Create & share art online


Pixilart is an online pixel drawing tool and social platform for art enthusiasts. Use the Pixilart Drawing Application to enter art contests, create GIFs, comics, groups, draw online together, stamps and more! Create an account and follow your favorite artists

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Bryan Ware
Hello Product Hunt πŸ‘‹ - Creator of Pixilart here. Pixilart is free to use and offers a simple user interface for creating pixel art online. Pixilart started as a learning experiencing for web development. Built during my free time, Pixilart has become a growing community with many features. Create art, share, public gallery, albums, comics, contests, groups, GIFs, drawing online together, follow your favorite artists, custom shop and more to come! I really hope you all enjoy Pixilart! Please let me know if you have any questions!
Daniel Sema
@bryan_ware Editing on Chromebook is a problem for Pixilart it will not load can you please help me with this?
no name
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pixilart! Its just so much fun if you wanna see some art on pixilart I'll link my account: I like pixilart a lot!
Looks cool, too bad you can't register with your own domain email address...
Bryan Ware
@deimos I set it up this way to prevent spam and unwanted accounts. Feel free to sign up with Gmail, Twitter, Facebook. Let me know if you have any questions!
@bryan_ware I have registered with Gmail and then changed email in settings. Like the platform so far!
Bobby Jones
Looks great
Achi Ram
I love this.
Luis Gomez
Interesting tool. Definitely helps out indie creators!
Philipp Loew-Albrecht
great idea! will definetly give it a try
Bryan Ware
@plao Thank you! πŸ™Œ
Alyssa Anderson
Best pixel site I’ve used. It’s art & social media in one. I love it!
Bryan Ware
@alyssabellaanderson Happy to hear! Thank you! πŸ™Œ
I like it but cannot get an account set up via yahoo mail nor gmail?
Alexander Lake
it is terrible, was doing fine for 18 hpurs and then it just deleted all my work, 18 hours of it. 0 outta 5 stars
Maggie Moo
its ok worked for almost a year but sadly decided to become a slow working sight and I am not that patient with it love drawing but its not insync please fix this I will love this site so much more if people would look at the feedback and fix this problem my account is maggiemooANme :( @bryan_ware