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Private Company Database 2.0 - Realtime funding and headcount growth metrics on 2M+ cos

The most real-time and accurate database of 2M+ private companies tracking: - Funding milestones - Headcount growth - Decision maker contacts - Web traffic - 100+ growth metrics Pulled directly from primary sources Refreshed weekly

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Abhilash Chowdhary
Hi PH, we are Abhilash, Manmohit and Chris, makers of Private Company Database 2.0 Today we are making accurate private company research accessible to everyone! We are launching FREE access to profiles of 2M+ private companies. The company profiles track the following for each company - Funding milestones - Headcount growth - Decision maker contacts - Web traffic - Job listings - Product reviews - Employee reviews - 100+ other growth metrics pulled directly from primary sources These data points are refreshed weekly by our proprietary web crawlers. The data which was only accessible to large VC funds with big research budget is now accessible to everyone.
Abhilash Chowdhary
@amal05vats Thanks Amal for trying the product and sharing your feedback. Were you searching for companies here ? Or were you using CompanyGPT?
Jake Tital
@abhilash_chowdhary very cool project. how did you get this data and know it's accurate?
Abhilash Chowdhary
@jaketital thanks Jake! We know it's accurate because we pull in data directly from the sources
CY Zhou
@abhilash_chowdhary congrats on the launch! just tried it and was really impressed. For all the 4 companies i tried, it gave detailed and accurate (i think) info. also recommend it to my colleagues. cool!
Abhilash Chowdhary
@lightfield Thanks for trying CY and sharing the feedback. Also great to know that you could verify the accuracy of the data for your searches. Please do share it with your colleagues and make their company research a breeze :)
Vaibhav Kumar Agarwal
Congratulations on the launch and great product idea. Would love to try out
Abhilash Chowdhary
@mrvaibhav98 Thanks Vaibhav. Let me know if you find it useful.
@mrvaibhav98 Thank you! We'd love for you to try it out!
Chris Pisarski
@mrvaibhav98 Appreciate that!
Olena Shabunina
Congratulations! What sources do you use?
Abhilash Chowdhary
@lena_shabunina Thanks Olena. We pull in data from primary sources like - Linkedin - SEC EDGAR - Glassdoor - G2 - Producthunt - Angelist etc.
sayuj suresh
@lena_shabunina @abhilash_chowdhary How are you accessing LinkedIn isn't that blocked from crawling? There was this one big lawsuit too.
Olena Shabunina
@abhilash_chowdhary What is the primary source? I tried to search several big companies, and nothing appeared.
Stefan Jovanovic
Great launch 🚀
Abhilash Chowdhary
@stefjov Thank you so much.
@stefjov Thank you! We'd love for you to try it out!
Chris Pisarski
@stefjov Thanks a lot!
Tony Han
Very cool @abhilash_chowdhary, congrats! We are building a place where buyers and sellers can trade their private stocks, and this information is great. It's incredible that not many companies are out there. Will share with out team!
Abhilash Chowdhary
@tonyhanded thanks Tony! Yup we would love to power your private stock marketplace with accurate company growth metrics data.
abhishek chowdhary
This is a great product. Love the “competitor” feature, allows me to quickly compare who a platform stacks up against its competitor. Good luck team!!
Abhilash Chowdhary
@abchowdhary Thanks a lot Abhishek. Yes, "competitor" feature is indeed very useful to a lot of our users. And the great thing is - our algorithms automatically identify the competitors based on the company description and its size, location + 10 other criteria
Kaushik Mukherjee
Looks interesting. Have requested for a meeting, let's chat.
JD Worcester
Wow insanely valuable tool for VCs!!
Marc Andre
Extremely useful data. Great resource!
Abhilash Chowdhary
@marc_andre1 Thanks Marc. Let us know if you have any questions while you research companies on our platform
This database is a great product for anyone researching private companies, providing real-time metrics and saving countless hours of manual research. The free access to such comprehensive data on 2M+ companies is truly impressive and levels the playing field for all.
Abhilash Chowdhary
@moon10 Thanks for the encouraging words Moon.
congrats on the launch of private company database 2.0. the breadth of data you're offering is impressive. can you share how you ensure the accuracy of such a wide range of metrics, especially with weekly updates?
Abhilash Chowdhary
@mashy Because we maintain the data pipelines and have built the proprietary technology to crawl billions of data points everyday, we have direct control on the accuracy of the data that is ingested. that is unlike our competitors who buy and re-sell data.
Giovanni Bianciardi
Good scraping job !
Abhilash Chowdhary
@giovanni_bianciardi Thanks a lot Giovanni ;)
Oleksandra Vasiukhnyk
@abhilash_chowdhary The Private Company Database 2.0 is an invaluable resource for tracking real-time funding and headcount growth metrics across over 2 million companies. It's perfect for staying updated on key business insights. How frequently is the data updated?
Abhilash Chowdhary
@oleksandra_vasiukhnyk Thanks Oleksandra. Data is refreshed every week.
Rohit gupta
wonderful product launch
Abhilash Chowdhary
@rohit_gupta47 Thanks for your support Rohit!
Derrick  Amponsah Owusu
Congratulations 🎉🎉🚀
Bila Rajput
Best project
Abhilash Chowdhary
@bila_rajput1 As builders, we live to see such reaction of the users :)
Dmytro Semonov
Nice, love it! Do you have API? Maybe we could integrate it into our marketing tool
Abhilash Chowdhary
@dmytro_semonov Hi Dmytro, yes we offer API to company data. Would love to work with you to power . Mind booking a call here ?
Vitor Seabra
I love this idea!
Abhilash Chowdhary
@vitor_seabra2 Thanks for the kind words Vitor.
Benjamin Sloutsky
This seems like a great product for investors! Were you guys ever thinking of making it so that investors can invest into companies too?