@boogsau@nivo0o0 Microsoft also made the cool Photosynth mobile app, which is still better at creating dark room panoramas than the built-in iOS camera app, like this one: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ch...
After using it at night in Shanghai I still prefer apple default camera app but only because of the live photos. They made many of my photos much more colorful than this app could ever make
Wish this comes to Android. I feel like Google Photos does most (if not all) of this already though. Just wish it Google Photos would auto-collapse the multiphotos I take down to the best one at least in the interface even if they want to store all thousands of them in the cloud at Google.
Microsoft are shipping a ton of decent products at the moment. Interesting to see them leveraging AI, which I'm hoping they will bring to productivity. Current MS iOS products I'm using Sunrise, Swiftkey, Outlook, LinkedIn, Office Lens, now this!
While the MS Live Image is cool and all (btw. it reminds me of iwdrm.tumblr.com) it just seems like a fancy filter. I think the Apple's Live Photo wins there - because when you look at it, you can more easily recall the feelings and 'the moment' of when you shoot that photo.
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