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Smart notifications A/B testing - The best way to do A/B testing for push notifications


Send two messages to a subset of your users, then let us send the better performing message automatically to the rest of your users. You can adjust the wait time before comparing results.

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Hey folks! Thanks for checking out PushBots Smart Notifications A/B testing! It happens that we guess factors impacting responsiveness of our users to notifications. So we wanted to experiment, instead of, you know guessing. We wanted to create a real-time, smart and a beautiful A/B testing experience for notifications. With PushBots you and your team can conduct A/B experiments whether manually (a classic 50/50 split), or automated; we send two variants to a subset of your users, then we send the better performing message automatically to the rest of your users. You can adjust the wait time before comparing results. The thing we wanted to focus about most, was UX. We wanted to see real-time experiment result stats and delivery stats. I’m perfectly aware there’s a lot to improve, but this seems to be a good start. Every audience is different, so we hope this helps you figure out what works for your users! Thanks again for checking this out! If you have any questions at all, we are here to help! Check it out: