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Amplify - Turn your SaaS customers into social ambassadors


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Amplify turns customers into social ambassadors for product launches..... Customers are prompted with a small, in-app pop-up asking if they would like to participate in the campaign. Customers can customize a suggested message and give permission for it to be automatically posted on their social networks at a predetermined time in the future. Ramen previously used an internal-only version of Amplify for its own launches.... now they've opened it up. i'm an investor in Ramen, as are Naval Ravikant (AngelList), Matt Cutler (Cisco), and Foundry Group.
Ryan Angilly
Thanks @jason! Hello Hunters! I'm one of the makers of Amplify. Happy to answer any questions you have on it!
Ryan Angilly
Hey everyone, To give you a little more background on Amplify, this is something that we've all had in the back of our heads for a while. It's the kind of idea where you tell other founders, marketers, and product people about it, and where we kept getting "huh... yeah that's awesome..." type responses. While there are other services out there like that allow "group social scheduling" like Thunderclap & GaggleAmp, Amplify differentiates itself in the way it focuses on the product/customer relationship. We've had success internally with a previous version of Amplify, and now we're happy to offer it to you. Let us know if you have any questions! EDIT: A little late in the day, but there was enough confusion around some basic workflow that we threw together a 53-second video demo'ing the functionality:
Fletcher Richman
@angilly awesome! congrats to the team. I think this is a great move - we're seeing side projects as a much more effective form of marketing for a core product and this seems very complimentary to Ramen.
Melissa Hourigan
@angilly - really excited to see how this works. As a marketer of a number of apps, we have found that WOM is really the best form of marketing for any size business. The more people share about the tools they are using, the more likely friends and family will explore out of curiosity. I also agree that not everyone is keen on this kind of sharing but even having a small percentage of users participate in a campaign brings solid results and conversions in the campaigns that I have managed.
Ryan Angilly
@fletchrichman you get me :-*
Ryan Angilly
@melissahourigan thx! That last line is key: even low conversion rates on the customer side of things turn into huge multipliers of total social reach.
Sean Wiese
Great idea! One suggestion would be to vary the posting times as they go out to the networks. If the SaaS product targets a specific user niche, chances are very high a potential customer follows a lot of the same people. If I saw a large group of people sharing the same thing within minutes I would probably think it was spam. Maybe publish the post through a few hours or over a day?
Ryan Angilly
@dswiese yeah we've thought about this. We've even taken it a step further conceptually to include thinking about looking at total reach and doing cohort analyses so that we don't just randomly spread all the tweets out over the day, but we spread it out within each cohort very methodically. Lots we could do here, but we need some more usage on the product so we can get feedback/data and work with our customers on trialling it :)
Joshua Pinter
Powerful idea. From a product maker side, I love it. From a consumer side, I'm not sure I'd trust it enough to post something on my behalf sometime in the future.
Ryan Angilly
@joshuapinter thanks! We've had some success with internally, and while I think you're right about consumers hesitating, even small conversion rates could have a very meaningful impact in the total reach of a campaign. We don't have enough usage yet to put hard numbers behind this statement: but we're convinced companies can have success with Amplify :)
Ben Nunez
@angilly @joshuapinter Agreed with @angilly, and I also believe consumers /can/ (not always) trust the brands they engage with, and if the brand respects that trust and doesn't abuse it, they can reap great rewards. From what I understand of the product, the consumer can always revoke access.
James Clark
@angilly as a marketer at heart this is a great idea. From my perspective this will work extremely well for a company that is openly communicating and getting feedback from its customers. So the combination of Ramen and Amplify is extremely powerful and will give the customer confidence to promote via their social handles. Looking forward to learning more.
Paolo Perazzo
Not very clear on how it works (checked website too), so few questions: 1. To which social networks does Amplify post? You said "all"... I assume you support a subset only: which ones? 2. Users need to login into all social before posting, and the tool provides that functionality, right? I.e. devs don't have to deal with all those integrations but just to enter the campaign message. 3. Do you send a notification to users to fill this form/login into social or it's just a popup when they open the app? Scheduling the post at a later time is certainly the smart part of this tool, as well as providing the integration with social
Ryan Angilly
@sivola Thanks for that feedback! We'll need to clear that up. To answer your questions: 1. Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn 2. That's correct. We handle all the authentication logic with other services. You just edit the message. 3. Right now, we only interact with your customers via in-app notifications.
Ryan Angilly
@sivola we put together a little demo video to explain the workflow a bit better:
James Lee
Im also the maker of would love to talk.
Ryan Angilly
@jleebiz sweet! grab some time on my calendar:
Benjamin Hoffman
how is this different than qualaroo? and intercom's in-app messaging? why/how is amplify better? also curious to learn how this is different than the original PH hunt a couple months back
Joshua Pinter
@benhoffman_ Wat? This is a completely different product to what you're mentioning. And your PH link goes to a completely different product as well.... O_o
Ryan Angilly
@benhoffman_ On the surface, Qualaroo certainly has a lot of overlap with Ramen's core functionality. Nothing in Ramen competes with Intercom's in-app messaging: they do in-app chat too damn well to compete with in our opinion :) Amplify is a completely orthogonal product aimed at helping product managers/marketers leverage their customer base when making product launches/announcements. The original hunt was for Ramen's core functionality, which includes functionality for asking in-app questions, having in-app group discussions, and other various pieces of functionality. The differentiator between Ramen's core functionality and the Qualaroos of the world is that we take a product- & feature-centric view of everything. This could be a pretty long conversation, and you seem like you know the space well. I'd love to spend some time chatting on it more. If you're interested, grab a spot on my calendar next week:
Benjamin Hoffman
@joshuapinter really? do you usually shoot from the hip? my question was more than relevant -- see maker's awesome response to my question.
Benjamin Hoffman
@angilly hmmm interesting. got it.... so amplify is aimed at the product launch/announcement market? would 'HelloBar on steroids' be an accurate description? Customer questionnaire / in-app communication is a crowded space (Qualaroo, WebEngage, Google Consumer Survey.... just to name a few). That said, I really like the angle you are taking. If a maker's product has a high engagement rate among it's user base, I could see this product as being super helpful in discussing upcoming features and/or launches with their members. Does this sound on point with what you guys are building?
Joshua Pinter
@benhoffman_ Fair enough. Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as brash. Looks like there's some esoteric knowledge around this space and the founders behind them. From first blush they appeared to be completely distinct and I was curious what you were getting at with your comment. In-app messaging and leveraging your fans' social media followers during your launch seem like very different things.
Alex Mitchell
Huge fan of this idea, but need to be very careful with the message that goes out on user profiles. However, if it's handled right, this could dramatically increase reach for an early stage company.
Ryan Angilly
@amitch5903 yes we just put up a new video demo'ing the workflow a bit more to clear things up:
-- so the customer ends up having almost complete control over the message. The only thing they can't control is that we ensure the correct link is appended to their message. Also, we've got some early indicators that this will be useful not just at small companies, but large ones as well. Unfortunately the data is conclusive enough to build any case studies, but it's encouraging :)