Remotive launched in 2014, we specialise in listing remote jobs.
Today, we share around 2,000 hand-curated jobs that are 100% remote!
> Why is Remotive different?
- 100% remote jobs. No "remote during COVID" jobs, we do our best to check.
- Jobs are hand-curated. Real people scan jobs using judgment.
- We care. Remotive launched on PH in 2014, we're long-term & full-time bootstrappers.
> How is this new?
- Better data: We list high-quality, lesser-known and often unique remote jobs.
- Better search: Thanks Algolia for providing state of the art search!
- Better job selection: We go beyond Tech, covering Health, Law, Teaching...
> What happened since our last launch?
- We looked into 29,000+ companies, listing 2,600+ remote companies.
- We built and lead-scored a database of 22,000+ remote jobs.
- We hired staff who hand-picks the best remote jobs.
- 5x'ed our listed remote-jobs, updating them daily (we have an API).
- New mobile-friendly design, search and geo-restriction options.
We’d love to hear your thoughts, comments and feedback. We’re eager to improve, thanks :)
Special thank you to: Hugo Fauquenoi, Alfrey Davilla, Samuel Durand, the Algolia crew and everyone who helped make this special!
@rdutel Please add a filter to see jobs that have remote anywhere. Other than US, most of the jobs were Europe Only :( 90% of the jobs wanted North America or Europe
@rdutel@anshulxyz I agree. Personally, I live in Barcelona, Spain but I'll move to Mexico. I'ts being a pain in the ass to find a remote job that I really like and we match values and stuff.
Most of the offers I see are USA only or Canada only.
@rdutel for job and more job for freelance. I'm a tech (project manager, lead devops) and i can't find job on the board. The filter (for "non us job" doesn't filter job tag as america etc.....
I found a great remote job in June of 2019 using Remotive. Rodolphe has done it again! Don’t miss the list of Startups hiring remotely (formerly the “list of awesome”).
Wow! so remote 🐶
Love the fun feeling of the website. I've added some feedback here over a screen-recording if it helps :)
Congratulations launching V4.0 on Product Hunt!
Congratulations on launching @rdutel ! Great new version 🎉 I really like the focus on hand-curated jobs in comparison to other remote job boards.
The US-only jobs toggle is a great addition for remote candidates, kudos for that 👏
Congrats! The new site has some really good UX updates and so much more roles. Always nice to follow Remotive's journey through the years. You guys are awesome!
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