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Ben Finkel

Sesh - Keep your meetings on track with a visual agenda


Transform your meetings with a new tool that helps you run on time, get more done, and include everyone. Sesh manages your meeting time and is packed with activities like icebreakers, brainstorms, and votes. Use it alongside your video conferencing tool.

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Ben Finkel
Hi Product Hunt 👋 I am Ben, the founder of Sesh. While working at Twitter and Pinterest I fell into what I like to call “the meeting vortex.” You’ve probably been in one: your day is fully booked with meetings that are usually running over time or going off track. You end the day without having finished any meaningful work (and probably didn’t even have time for lunch). The world is wasting millions of hours daily on meetings. Unfortunately we can’t just nix meetings altogether. I believe that the best work is still done in meetings - it’s where we innovate and communicate, and with remote work, it’s now where culture is built. The only way to improve your workday is to have better meetings. And that’s what we set out to do. Sesh provides a powerful agenda that makes your meetings shorter and more effective, and can help pull you and your team out of the meeting vortex. Here’s a few features we’ve built in: - Keep time automatically with audio and visual cues (which is a lot nicer than being like “Greg…Greg…GREG!!!! STOP TALKING!!!" We do that for you) - Stay accountable to your team with meeting outcomes - Repeat meetings quickly with reusable agenda templates - Drive outcomes with anonymous voting - Inspire innovation with team brainstorms - Create culture with fun and unusual icebreakers - Promote inclusivity with pre-ordered and timed rounds Sesh works natively inside Zoom and Webex, or alongside your favorite video conferencing app with your browser at It’s free to sign up and try out with your team. Our team is also available to give you a tour and walk through the product. I can’t wait for you to check it out and I look forward to your feedback. I’ll be hanging out here all day to answer questions. Ben
Berk Aydin
@finkel lovely makers comment. Congratulations to the launch, I'll have a look to see if it makes sense to integrate this for our meetings. :)
Ben Finkel
@berkaydin Thanks, Berk.
Ben Finkel
@babak_hamadani Thanks, Babak!!
 Ada Fang
@finkel It is really a bad experience for working hours to be squeezed by all kinds of lengthy meetings. Look forward to you!
Ben Finkel
@rowemore thanks. :)
Peter Clark
Congrats @vipul_sahai!! Gonna install this today … now tell us how you got that domain name!
Vipul Sahai
@plc Thanks! Excited to hear your feedback! The domain name was just @finkel working his magic.
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
I really like this concept! Unfortunately my company doesn't really allow us to add new zoom apps. Kinda annoying haha. But I'm definitely keeping this on my radar, and i think your pricing model is very generous! I might start trying to find some non-work areas that I can use this!
Brittany Ferrero
@britt_joiner Thanks for the support! There are a few ways you can make this work: 1. Use Sesh in the web alongside Zoom, everyone else can join via your link or meeting code 2. If you can get approval for just 1 download, you (or whoever is hosting) can use Guest Mode in Zoom to seamlessly get everyone else participating in your Sesh 3. Have your people call our people — we're SOC2 certified, meaning we likely meet your company's security requirements for approved apps. Reach out to @vipul_sahai ( if you want to talk more Excited to hear how you end up using Sesh! Definitely keep in touch and reach out if you have any questions along the way.
Vipul Sahai
@britt_joiner @brittany_ferrero Here to help in any way we can, do not hesitate to reach out!
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
@vipul_sahai @brittany_ferrero oh interesting, so it can be used outside of zoom? that's cool! Ill have to take a deeper look!
Vipul Sahai
@brittany_ferrero @britt_joiner sounds great! let us know if you have any questions or feedback!
Lawrence Coburn
Great job Sesh team... we use your Zoom app for our retros and kickoffs - super useful to keep things tight.
Ryan Yeske
@ltrain Thanks Lawrence, glad you are finding it useful in your meetings!
Ross Mayfield
Congrats team! Going to start using this in my meetings at Zoom. Especially the ones that run over time.
Ben Finkel
@ross Thank you! Appreciate your support. And you're still the record holder for shortest default meeting length that I've even seen. ⏳
Valerie Christensen
I love the "meeting outcomes" feature. I can't tell you how many times I've left a meeting thinking we all knew our marching orders, only to have another week pass with no real progress. This product looks like a great solution. Looking forward to exploring the other benefits.
@valerie_christensen It's my favorite feature as well! Documenting + assigning outcomes has been tremendously useful. Appreciate the support and let us know if we can help!
John Gilmore
I'm a paying Sesh user with no connection to the team aside from as a customer. Have had a great experience so far (two months of usage?) and recommend it. One note, our weekly all hands check-in meeting (12-15 people) has been shortened from 1 hour+ to 30 min. And that meeting was unnecessarily long, so this is a very meaningful time savings.
Vipul Sahai
@john_gilmore1 Thanks so much! Glad that Sesh is working so well for you!
Molly Corless
@john_gilmore1 what a killer testimonial. Thanks for sharing John and glad you’re still enjoying Sesh!
John Morrison
I can see a lot of people loving this product ;)
Vipul Sahai
@john_morrison1 we sure hope so! Thanks for checking Sesh out.
Merve Tarayıcı
Congratulations to the launch.
Molly Corless
@mervetarayici ty Merve 🤠
Ben Finkel
Aji Dewantoro
Great rank, hope it will going up
Molly Corless
@adewantoro The people will decide 🌝 thanks for the support!
Vipul Sahai
@adewantoro Thanks for the support!
LOVE IT @finkel ! Great video! top notch 😎
Ben Finkel
@nadavwiz Thank you!! 🙏
Abhishek Singh
saw the video, looks quite interesting. Congrats on the launch guys
Brittany Ferrero
@abhishek1846 Glad you liked the video, we had a lot of fun making it. Thanks for checking it out!
Ben Finkel
bijal dave
Really need to try this out! Congratulations on the launch !
Molly Corless
@bijal_dave Thank you! Let us know if you'd like to hop on a demo to try it out 🤠
Hasan Mangrio
Love that its so visual -- I can instantly see how this would keep the meeting on task and a little more fun and team oriented! Wish I had a team to try this out with !
Molly Corless
@hasanmangrio Thanks Hasan! We've seen people use this in meetings with just two people, or with other teams like sales calls, pitches, even high school reunion planning 😆
Matthew Saydah
Have 100% had this problem, looking forward to trying this!
Ben Finkel
@matthew_saydah Let us know what you think!
amazing congrats on the launch!
Molly Corless
@jamesyto Thanks for checking it out James!
Ben Finkel
@jamesyto Thanks!
Ash Rahman 🎮
Looks so useful. Congrats on the launch!
Ben Finkel
@ashrahman Thank you, Ash!
Saurao Dalvi
What an awesome introductory video!!!
Charlie Vuong
Congrats on the launch! This will be super helpful for 1. removing the mental overhead of pacing the agenda in your head and 2. making sure that speaking time isn't a war among participants.
Ben Finkel
@charlievuong Thank you and exactly right!
Ezgi Aydın
Congratulations on the launch
Ben Finkel
@ezgi_aydin Thanks!