Shotzr 2.0 - The free stock photo site built for digital marketers.
Shotzr is more than just another free stock photo site. Get 20% better engagement with images of people & places that look REAL. Our unique location data & image tagging make it easy to find personalized content that resonates with customers & gets you clicks.
Shotzr for Photographers - The free stock photo site that pays photographers.
Get paid for uploads. Get paid for downloads. Get paid for shares. All in actual money. And do it while retaining full copyright & control of your work. Shotzr has a global network of 1,500+ (and growing) photographer contributors & we need more. Come join us!
Shotzr API - Image API for MarTech/AdTech platforms.
Shotzr is a new image API for MarTech/AdTech platforms that offers 100k+ localized, personalized images at scale. Get instant access to location-tagged images, on-demand photography & brand-specific content they can quickly & easily work into marketing campaigns.