Kevin William David

Tenrocket - Launch your app in 10 days for $10k

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Kevin William David
Promises to give a company a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) app in 10 business days. The initial phase has nothing to do with development, or developers. All the framework is discussed and decided on before developers are brought into the mix. TenRocket holds all the discussions about what a client wants ahead of bringing the developer in. Clients also get to choose which developer they’d like to work with. Developers also get to approve or turn down the work or clients. Once the framework for what a client wants is hammered out, the developer comes in to make sure it’s all doable. Once a project has begun, TenRocket doesn’t allow for clients to make changes. The entire process takes three weeks. After an initial consultation to finalize the details, developers get to work on the app (the real 10 days). After that, TenRocket also tests the app to make sure it works as it should and that it was delivered as expected. TenRocket only takes full-stack developers. TenRocket treats developers as contractors, and splits the income 50/50. The company even offers a 110 percent money-back guarantee if they can’t deliver an app as promised in 10 days. TenRocket isn’t going to be for everyone but if you want a quick MVP built you should try it.
Ross Currie
@kwdinc I really love this: "Once a project has begun, TenRocket doesn’t allow for clients to make changes." But I also know that once a project has begun, clients always want to make changes. There's huge value in helping the customer shape the MVP before development commences... what's the post-MVP development lifecycle look like?
@rossdcurrie @kwdinc Long term development plans for entrepreneurs/mvps are always tough. As many of them have limited cash supplies to work with. We've tried to find a balance with this allowing you to work directly with the developer post-build of first MVP. This could allow for interesting things like equity options and different financing arrangements. We can still play a product development/management role in the process if the entrepreneur chooses though we try to offer the flexibility to work outside of that if need be. As we know everyone has different needs. Great question.
Braden Hamm
I wish I thought $10k was cheap. Still sounds like a lot for an MVP, unless you're funded. I'm not saying they're not providing a great value, but I think most could make an MVP with less functionality and polish for $0-$1k.
Kamal El Agha
@bradenhamm Coming up next, FiveRocket. Five days, $5k for your MVP :)
Kamal El Agha
@bradenhamm Sounds like Nas: All I need is one mic, 1k for 1 day. 😄
Braden Hamm
@kelagha 😄 maybe I should actually do this. anyone?
@bradenhamm Part of whats at play here is how the term has been skewed toward Minimum bandaid/duct-tap product. Which there are a role for those types of mvps. Though we have tried our best to find a balanced approach to building an MVP. Where it's more about heavy focus on the problem which allows us to keep quality high on the things we do build. This also has the benefit of helping out the entrepreneur to focus on whats really important. Chris turner my co-founder was getting quotes of 50 to 100k when he was originally pricing out an MVP he was trying to build and thought that was incredibly to high just for the first MVP. After going through a coding school and building out his own MVP in 10 days he realized this could be a solution for others at a much lower cost. When we first started we actually began at 5k / 10 days for each project. Though after about 8 months of testing we realized that it was too low. We were getting lots of entrepreneurs that would want to use us but ultimately never pulled the trigger, which cost a lot of time on both sides. We also wanted to pay our devs more, and attract higher quality talent so we decided it was best to change it to 10k. So far we've found 10k to be the most optimal in terms of low cost, high value. Entrepreneurs get an awesome MVP focused on whats actually going to solve the problem at hand and developers get paid well and are able to focus on building something amazing.
Arpan Desai
@myyellowshoe @bradenhamm hey 10Rocket, I really liked the concept. In fact, I have tried to reach out to you to join as a developer.
Alain Lagrecque
Great idea, have you got some examples of apps you've built? Also, just an FYI, I'm getting an untrusted connection warning on the site. Keep up the good work, look forward to seeing how this evolves. =)
@alangarrec Thanks for letting us know. We we're working through resolving some ssl issues. Shouldn't see it anymore :)
Nate Winn
Hey, Chris! Excited to see how you've grown 10Rocket. Let's catch up sometime 😀
Matthew Marshall
All 1st entrepreneurs need to understand the power of the MVP and launch quickly and cheaply... that's why I LOVE Tenrocket. It enables idea that may not have happened to see the light of day :)
Hey Alan, thanks for the kind words. Let me know if you're still having trouble accessing the site. We should have our SSL up and running shortly. In the meantime, here are some recent apps we've built:,,, Feel free to reach me directly at if you have any questions.
ben Watanabe
@tenrocket Looks like you missed hitting "reply" for almost all of your replies, so the people you were trying to won't be notified that you answered their questions. May be a good idea to go back through and answer them again.
Eric Kryski
I like this idea. It's very much the way I treat any of our consulting work. I refuse to take work that isn't fleshed out through some low fidelity prototypes or actual customer interviews (aka. market research). We can help with that as well, but it's a disservice to both our developers time and the customer because our group can build a great product but if it doesn't fill a market need, then the money will be wasted. Being focused is the most important thing to keeping cost down. I think the 10 days is pretty link-baity. In fact, for 10k they are actually providing a ton more value than just development time. They might want to emphasize that. I'm curious what their take is and how much the devs get paid out of that 10k though.
Brittany Martin
I worked with Chris while at a hosting company and let me tell you that Chris is incredibly dedicated to his customers. If you need an MVP to get a product into a potential market's hand, I would recommend 10Rocket. Best wishes to the team!
Sweet design!
@jcsnv Thanks so much! Had some fantastic help from @alexwtorres (
Ux design, implementation and backend all done for 10k? Sounds music to my ears.
Peter Böttges
Super interesting concept! You basically have negative customer acquisition cost, as your customers (for the follow up development post-MVP) will be paying said 10k from the very beginning. Plus within this 10 day timeframe you get the chance to evaluate each other and figure out if the relationship between you, as freelancers, and your clients is a matching fit. Count me stunned! :)
Osnat Benari
Super interesting concept! I wonder how hard it is to manage customer expectations and narrow down the MVP while making them happy...
@osnatbenari Thanks! :) It's actually pretty easy to manage expectations, the tough part is helping entrepreneurs focus their scope down. Many entrepreneurs that we talk to end up trying to build way to much, before they even know if people will use their solution. We try our best to help them focus in on the most important things that will really solve the problem at hand. It is an uphill battle at times, but drastically increases the chances that the entrepreneurs will launch, either with us or someone else.
Thanks for the honest feedback, Eric. I appreciate what you said about providing more value than just development time. We provide an in depth consultation up front before starting any project to make sure that entrepreneurs are focused on solving a core problem. We also manage the entire project and offer a 110% guarantee to make sure we deliver on time and to scope. A lot of people see our 10 days in $10k promise as a way to attract clients, but we've found that developers tend to value that focus even more. It's specifically designed to keep everyone working towards the shared goal of creating the fastest, most affordable solution that doesn't sacrifice long term scalability.
To answer your second question, we split project revenues evenly (50/50) with our developers. Our developers handle the coding, and we take care of everything else (sourcing a project, providing the guarantee for both clients and developers, closing payments, vetting developers, managing the project, and adding a continued partnership for growth after launch).
Nate, Brittany, and Matthew, you guys are amazing! I can't tell you how much your support means to me and the TenRocket team.
Kevin Natanzon
Great solution for MVP. I hope you'll be able to keep it this way when demand increases. I'm curious to know how many devs do you have in your network to trust the challenge.
Hey @kevinnatanzon Thanks so much for the kind comment We've built a network of amazing developers already and are continuing to grow it. It's not always easy to find the dev's that meet our criteria, but in order to make the 10 day process work, they have to fit everything we're looking for. Should the demand ever increase past what we can do at a certain time, we'll do our best to help our fellow entrepreneurs, until becomes developer is available.
Sid Tantia
This is awesome Chris - great to see how far you've come with this!
@boettges thanks so much! We've worked really hard to this process be an amazing option for both our clients and our developers and we believe we have found a sweet spot. Excited to help redefine the common understand of what an MVP can be.