Tookapic 3.0 - Capture your life with one photo a day (365 Project).
Perfect New Year's resolution.
Tookapic is where people share their everyday photos and stories. It's where they learn photography by simply taking photos. The goal is to take photo every day for a year.
Tookapic for iOS
I'm a user since August 2015 and I can't imagine better platform to run a 365 project!
Pros:Great way to improve your photography skills!
Cons:It requires like ~15 minutes a day of your time
No other website has motivated and inspired me like tookapic (I'm at over 1000 days straight). If you've ever thought of doing a 365 project, photographing your life one day at a time, this is the place to be!
Pros:Exceptionally friendly and diverse community. Beautiful website for your best photos. Inspiring, motivating and lots of fun.
Cons:Taking a photo a day is a challenge. But worth it!
Thanks to the tookapic I've become a better photographer! Using it since 6th August 2015.
Pros:Great way to learn photography and place with amazing community!
Cons:At beginning you need perseverance to take photos everyday.
Also - great community!
Pros:Awesome tool to keep you up with learning how to take photos and how to be consistent (as the goal it to take one photo every day).
You can spend money on expensive equipment, but you will not learn photography without taking photos, tookapic is a great place where you get motivation for everyday training, learning. You view photos of others, you see your progress and other people
Pros:A great way to learn photography, plus a wonderful, inspiring community
Cons:After almost a year I did not find any defects
When you start to take photos everyday, it changes a way you perceive the world.
Pros:Strange thing to tell, but Tookapic is a perfect medicine for grayness and sadness of reality
Cons:You have to shoot. Photos. Daily.
From LIDO:
It's a great, friendly and honest community which supports each other by writing about the process of pictures making and editing, which helps a lot.
You can learn many new techniques by observing other photographers. By observing the best photographers, we improve our own skills and our creativity .
Pros:Tookapic helps you to develop your photographic skills and creativity. It also teaches to work systematically.
Cons:I honestly don't see any cons!