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Ozan Yalçın

TransferChain Drive - Secure & private cloud storage & file sharing

🔐🗝 Client-side end-to-end encryption
✂️ File splitting – each file is split
☁️ Distributed cloud
⛓ Blockchain authorization
0️⃣ Zero-knowledge
📁 Upload & Share any file type
⚡ Blazing Fast Upload & Downloads
✈ Easy to use

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Doğukan Tezcan
A team that fully deserves to go to Unicorn, A project that offers great solutions in the field of privacy Congrats to the whole team! 🚀
Esra Turan
@dogukan_tezcan Your comment made my day! I'm grateful for your contribution. <3 :)
Tioluwani Akeju
Great product and congratulations on the launch! But what makes this product different from the likes of Dropbox? Why would I use Transferchain instead of more mainstream channels which are also secure.
Ozan Yalçın
Hello @tioluwani_akeju The traditional solutions like dropbox uses server-side encryption which means they have the key to your files so if they want or if they get breached your file is gone with its key. In TransferChain we use client-side encryption. The file get encrypted with your own key which never leaves your device. After the encryption, before the file leaves your computer we also split it into little chunks (Kbs). The encrypted and splitted chunks than leave your computer to the worlds safest clouds (Azure, G-cloud, AWS, Digital Ocean). And neither us nor cloud providers can't use or make sense of your data because it looks corrupted. We also don't have the meta data (who uploaded it, who to send or the most important one: where is your data stored). The meta data is on Blockchain which is also hashed.
Mert Baser
Hi @tioluwani_akeju - appreciate your question There are a few important differentiating factors: Drpbx (or any other Traditional Cloud Solution) - Centralized storage (all of your precious data is stored in one server) - Server-side encryption (Providers can access your data) - Files stored in 1 piece - Server-side authorization If we are referring to Drpbx specifically they also had a number of data leaks according to public records ( TransferChain 🔐☁️ ✅ Distributed cloud architecture (File are split and distributed to the safest storage providers, such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Digital Ocean) ✅ Client-side end-to-end encryption (each file is encrypted before it leaves your device) ✅ Files are split in your device into chunks ✅ Authorization is made through the blockchain network, so you have your full privacy We can go into even further details, but hopefully this will help 🙂 you can always reach out to us at
Valeriia Dziubenko
Great job team with creating such an ultra-secure helpful product! Good luck with your launch!
Esra Turan
@valeriia_dziubenko Thanks a lot for your comment!
K. O.
Great to see that you are progressing so well. 100% sure that it will be a top notch! Wish you all the best and many success!
Esra Turan
@k_o_2 Your comment means a lot! With sincere feedback like yours, we'll continue to improve.
Germán Merlo
Nice work, @ozan_yalcin1! Seems like you've been working hard to create something that everyone needs - a secure and private cloud storage and file sharing solution. I'm sure it will work wonderfully!
Esra Turan
@ozan_yalcin1 @german_merlo1 Thank you for your warm comment! Being part of such an amazing community is incredible.
Gaurav Mandal
Have been using this tool fro some time and gotta say it is really great tool, congratulations on launch team .
Tuna Ozen
@gaurav_mandal Thank you for your comment 👍
Jason Howie
This is great! I can see a wide range of applications and verticals that can benefit from your solution! Best of Luck!
Esra Turan
@collabing Thank you for your warm comment!
Kshitij Mishra
wow! thats an amaing tool!
Esra Turan
@kshitij_mishra4 Thank you very much! :)
Shushant Lakhyani
I like your website design. Looks super clean.
Tuna Ozen
@shushant_lakhyani thank you for your comments 🥹
Esra Turan
@shushant_lakhyani thank you so much!
Congratulations to the team for their amazing work in privacy solutions! Can you tell us more about how your project ensures secure file sharing? 🚀
Esra Turan
@goyashy thank you for your comment!
Altiam Kabir
Impressive Features! Congrats to the TransferChain team on launching such a secure platform. Client-side encryption and zero-knowledge privacy are game-changers. Keep it up!
Tuna Ozen
@altiamkabir Thank you for your comment Altiam 🙏
Ghost Kitty
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Esra Turan
@mansi_trivedi1 thank you for your comment :)
Selin Cakir
Congratulations team!
Esra Turan
@selincakir Many thanks!
Sıla Özeren
Congratulations on the launch! Great product! :)
Esra Turan
@halfcircassian Appreciate your comment! :)
congrads on your launch 👏
Tuna Ozen
@mehmet_yitmen1 Yorumunuz için teşekkür ederiz 🙂
Esra Turan
@mehmet_yitmen1 Thank you so much!
Ghost Kitty
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Tuna Ozen
@servelogy_technologies Hello Toshit ! 🙏
Esra Turan
@servelogy_technologies Thank you so much for your comment!
Christopher  Johnson
how is it different from storj? or filecoin?
Tuğçe Içözü
Congrats on the launch!
Tuna Ozen
@tugce_icozu Thank you 🙏
Prakhar Tandon
@mertbaser awesome tool! Love that I'm in control of my data with end-to-end encryption and file splitting. The Swiss base for privacy is a major plus. Excited to see new features weekly! Any plans for a mobile app soon?
Janis Wilczura
TransferChain on Web looks great and I am impressed by the amount of thoughts put into this project. However, I would use it as a dataroom for sharing with others (e.g. clients, investors) and I would love to see some more things on the FE which allows to make the data appealing for customers. Any thoughts on this?
Mert Baser
Hi @janis_wilczura We've seen multiple customers that use TransferChain for dataroom purposes (including ourselves 🙂). We lacked the preview feature, but that will be going live next week as well! If you have any specific recommendations for dataroom purposes we'd love to hear them as well! Btw our roadmap is public ( :)