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Dylan Langlois

7 Deadly Sins of Networking - A Free Course on How to Not Sabotage Yourself Networking

Networking doesn't have to feel sleazy.

And it doesn't have to be awkward and a drag.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Networking is a free nano-course to teach you what the biggest mistakes are that people make when networking, so you can avoid them and have more fun meeting new people.

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Zak Slayback
Hey PH! I wanted to share this "nanocourse" with you because I thought it'd go great with a lot of the career-oriented content that I see here. And because A LOT of the people I talk to have a lot of misconceptions about networking. So, I wanted to dispel those misconceptions and provide you with an easy way to learn more about the biggest mistakes people make when they build a world class network. The truth is, networking can be fun, it can feel authentic, and you don't have to do it at cringe-worthy networking events. In my own case, I've built a personal network that has allowed me to make almost every single career move I've wanted to -- DESPITE the fact that I had no real network when I graduated high school, I wasn't given a fancy network by my family, and I grew up in a poor rural community in the middle of Pennsylvania. So, this nanocourse is free and takes maybe 40 minutes, tops. Check it out, take it in, share it with friends and family. And let me know if you have any questions. Zak
Kenny Tan

I will share this with a friend!


Unlike most networking guides, this one teaches you what NOT to do. Valuable networking advice condensed into 40 minutes.


A quick review list of the sins at the end would be nice.

Corné van Straten

Networking is an art that doesn't come naturally to a lot of people; and especially not to introverts like me. I would normally avoid any non-mandatory social events like the plague, but Zak's tips of how to grow your network (and how not to!) actually managed to get me excited about networking and make me more equiped to do so. Great content.


Clear, concise, a lot of practical examples and memorable illustrations. Very well done.


The video material would look a lot better if you practice the 'rule of thirds' in the composition.