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Manuel Ogomigo

UX Must Follow - Follow them for design insights, and a little bit of UX fun


Curated by Arvin Dizon & Designed by Manuel Ogomigo. Follow them for design goodness, insightful tips, and a little bit of UX fun! Let’s go! 🀘

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Manuel Ogomigo
Hey Product Hunt & fellow UXers! I'm Manuel, I'm a UX designer & I solve problems by building proj --- The problem? 😫 --- To be a better UX designer We have to find who we would look up to. Watch what they do. Watch what they don't. Listen to what they say. Pay attention. And do your best to do the same. - Arvin Dizon (Co-Creator) But it's not easy, because people often don't know who to follow --- A solution πŸ’‘ --- A platform that highlights the best people to follow on Linkedin to learn from. From UX Design to Psychology, leadership, visual design, funny memes, inspiration etc & vote your best UXer. UX Must Follow helps you find who to follow to grow and learn from. I'd love to hear what you think about it and your suggestions to make the platform better. Thanks for reading ❀️ Manuel PS: I'm a big fan of following first before leading, would appreciate you check it out and even recommend any one you think I should follow
Manuel Ogomigo
@timileyinolaifa1 Glad you found it helpful πŸ˜πŸ€—
Ivan Ralic
πŸ’‘ Bright idea
I see Chris Do, I press β€πŸ˜‚ This is an awesome idea, you could have created a Newsletter as well to send us top rated creators from time to time πŸ˜„
Manuel Ogomigo
@ralic β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‚, Really appreciate the idea, would keep that in on upcoming updates. Really appreciate the feedback
Yash Yadav
Seems Good ! @emmanuel_ogomigo Keep Doing πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Manuel Ogomigo
@yash_worklab Thanks a lot 😊😊☺️