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Kevin William David

Notebook Web Clipper - Clip text, images, and entire articles from the web


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Kevin William David
Notebook Web Clipper, as the name suggests, lets you clip content from the web to Notebook ( ), a beautifully simple note-taking app. When you select content on a web page and click on the notebook extension icon, the selected content is automatically copied to a new note. You can use the extension to also create notes from scratch. Photos can be added either from the desktop or the web. You can also take a quick screenshot or save a link to a web page using the simple interface. The 'Clean View' within the extension brings Safari's Reader mode to Chrome. While reading an article, Clean View provides an ad-free experience of the article which can then be saved to Notebook.
Filippo Mursia
@ashokr86 ehm..I'm missing something. Where my notes are stored and how can I see them? Seems really interesting and useful, but I can't figure this out?
Raju Vegesna
@kwdinc Thanks a lot for hunting.
Raju Vegesna
@mrdobelina Content clipped using Web Clipper is saved to the Zoho cloud and synched with the Notebook app ( Currently, your notes can be accessed through iOS & Android apps. Web & native apps are in the works.
Rahul Gulati
I've been using the Notebook app almost everyday since it launched and I find it extremely useful. However, I haven't been able to make Web Clipper a part of my regular web interactions on laptop; given that I've been trying to use it for last 2 weeks. I think it tries to do too many things simultaneously, which is contrary to how Chrome extensions normally work - all good ones do just one thing and do it really well. For example, to read articles later, I use Pocket; for bookmarks, I use Trello that helps me add links as Cards to various Lists, which I think leaves the space for using Notebook Web Clipper squeezed out. For Notebook, a Web-version is much needed along with an ability to set reminders/alerts for various lists.
Raju Vegesna
@rahulgulati Web version is very much in the works. We plan to launch the Web & Mac versions of the app this year. Reminders are mostly done. Will be available in one of our upcoming updates. Reminders will be available for Text Cards and Checklist Cards.
Piero Borgo
Love Notebook, it quickly became my goto app for note taking. Can't wait for a web version or a desktop client to ditch completely Evernote and Apple Notes
Mario Uher
Hey this looks like a decent solution for my ever-growing bookmarks list, however as a Safari user I feel missed out ;)
Raju Vegesna
@ream88 Chrome is the first browser we support. We do plan to support Safari, Edge & Firefox.
Francesco D'Alessio
Interesting! I'm thinking about featuring this for my Advanced video this Friday! Stay tuned!
Iva Shaishmelashvili
This is the one of the best note taking app. Well designed and executed
Scott Williams
Couple of questions: 1) Can you share content that you clip (notebooks and/or links), 2) Can you add notes/comments to a clip?
Raju Vegesna
@scottwwilliams Both features are not available in Notebook. Sharing will be added sometime next year.
Onutz Verde
Very nice app, a real contender to Evernote or even Pocket. Is there a way to save in Clean View from iOS as well? EDIT: text copied and pasted in iOS is not saved, only the URL
Raju Vegesna
@utestme There is no Clean View on iOS. From Reader, if you save through standard share dialog, it saves just the URL.
Onutz Verde
@rajuv is there a way to save also the content, from iOS?
Raju Vegesna
@utestme It has to be a copy and paste for now, unfortunately. But down the lane, we plan to detect the content from the URL and save it as well. Not available currently though.
Damion Alexander
This is definitely intriguing, but I wish Notebook could display a thumbnail and a snippet of what I'm saving from the web to the app. Right now it gives me a title and a link which is less visually appealing.
Raju Vegesna
@nostradamion That's the plan. In 1.0, we wanted to get the basics right. Future updates will get previews and clean views applied to links.