What is CheckinBee?
CheckinBee will check in with your loved one each and every day via text message. If a check-in is missed, their designated care circle will be automatically notified to check on them. Two week free trial and then $14/m.
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Recent CheckinBee Launches

CheckinBee Automatic daily check-ins, remain independent but not alone
Launched on October 29th, 2023
Forum Threads
CheckinBee - Daily text check-ins, remain independent but never alone
CheckinBee will check in with your loved one each and every day via text message (or more frequently if you wish). If a check-in is missed, their designated care circle will be automatically notified to check on them. Two week free trial and then $14/m.
CheckinBee - Automatic daily check-ins, remain independent but not alone
CheckinBee will check in with your loved one each and every day via text message. If a check-in is missed, their designated care circle will be automatically notified to check on them. $14.99/m with 2 weeks free. Custom daily reminders coming soon!
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Review CheckinBee?
4.67/5 based on 3 reviews
•64 reviews
simple idea but when you have less time and engage your with loved one
•6 reviews
This tool very useful for me to manage my timetable, arrange thing in life