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14. Daruma

Track your goals and burn them like daruma when complete
1. Add a new goal. 2. Begin working on your goal by selecting the right eye. 3. Complete your goal by selecting the left eye. 4. Burn your completed goals.
Launch tags:
Task Management

Meet the team

Daruma gallery image
Daruma gallery image

What do you think? …


Hey friends! I don’t wanna make a big deal out of this. It’s a very tiny app that does one thing only. It just keeps track of things you want to do, things you’re doing now, and things you’ve done. I’ve found that managing things in this way makes me most productive and helps me stay focused.

To-do list apps are a dime a dozen. So this one’s free. There’s no catch. No signup. No nagging. Use it if you want to. Donate if you want to. If it’s not your jam, that’s cool. You don’t have to use it. We just figured it’s better to share what we made than not.

Aishwarya Lohi

Who is Daruma?

Ashley Rehan

@aishwaryalohi An Indian Budhdhist monk named "Bodhidharman"

That's what Wikipedia said lol

Valentin Kirilov

Haha, nice! I like it! A simple app with a tiny addition that makes it shine above the rest of its kind.

Congrats on your launch, and good luck!

Kay Kwak

That's right. PH is a space where you can freely share what you've created. I'm excited to support your journey.

About this launch
Goal-Tracking with Character
Point chart
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Daruma by was hunted by in Task Management. Made by and . Featured on March 13th, 2025. is not rated yet. This is Daruma's first launch.
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