What is Angel Match?
Angel Match is a database of 110k+ investors that frees you from tedious process of searching for the right investors for your startup.🌟 We’ve compiled investor names, investment focuses, past investments, locations, company names, and social media links in one place so you can quickly find investors who are best fit with your business.
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Recent Angel Match Launches

Burn Rate Calculator Free tool to calculate your startup's burn rate in seconds
Launched on December 31st, 2024

Angel Match 3.0 A database of 110,000+ investors to raise your capital
Launched on September 24th, 2024

Elevator Pitch Generator Generate a winning elevator pitch with AI in seconds
Launched on January 26th, 2024
Forum Threads
Investor AI Email Generator - Craft unique investor emails with AI, fast & free
Investor AI Email Generator is a tool that helps you quickly craft engaging and unique emails for potential investors in seconds. Generate an email, copy it to your clipboard, tweak a bit, and voilà - you're all set to send your email to investors.
Elevator Pitch Generator - Generate a winning elevator pitch with AI in seconds
Craft a powerful elevator pitch for your startup in 10 seconds. Fill in the fields and let the AI work its magic. Our free tool will help you quickly generate a pitch that articulates your vision clearly so you can make a lasting impression on investors.
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