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iA Presenter

Write it. Show it. Rock it.
43 reviews

What is iA Presenter?

iA Presenter’s text-based interface puts the story at the center of your presentation. The design engine adjusts the layout of your slides to your screen. There is a teleprompter for presenting. A fresh, fast and fun way to create and hold presentations.

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Recent iA Presenter Launches

iA Presenter Write it, show it, rock it

Launched on October 29th, 2022

iA Presenter was ranked #1 of the day for October 29th, 2022

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4.67/5 based on 43 reviews
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Maker reviews of iA Presenter


David Bauer
2 reviews
Just like with iA Writer before, it's a bold and novel approach that soon feels so obvious that you wonder why it hasn't always been this way. It's such a no-brainer that a good presentation should be script first, slides last and yet for years presentation software has trained us to fiddle with slide designs and sqeeze in some speaker notes at the end. A great idea, expertly executed.
Roy Watson
2 reviews
I found myself with a weekend to turn a blog post into a 30-minute presentation. Presenter tricked me into writing a good talk instead of letting me fiddle with slides for hours. The talk went great and, as a bonus, offering the audience text and PDF versions of the talk + slides was easy peasy.
Andrew S
1 review
Congratulations on the launch! After using iA Presenter in beta these past few months, I can't imagine going back to another presentation app. Nothing else looks as clean or elegant, nor do they make it as easy to compose and deliver a presentation.
Serhii Pryimachuk
1 review
This app transformed the way how I make presentations. Make your speech, not diagrams.
Jordi Mon Companys
21 reviews
I quite like it despite not understading it in depth.
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