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Live a 5-minute walk from friends or family
•4 reviews•

What is LiveNearFriends?

LiveNearFriends has one simple goal: Help you live within a 5-minute walk of a close friend or family member. It's that "one weird trick" for a happier life. We help you find nearby homes for rent or sale and make the conversation with friends fun and easy.

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5/5 based on 4 reviews
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Kristen Berman
•1 review
Love this! I used it and was shocked by how many homes were available right on my block! what?! Definitely going to try and convince a couple of people to pack their bags and live near me.
Leslie Williams
•1 review
Pre-covid, I lived in a neighborhood with a handful of friends -- it was an absolute dream. This idea offers a solution to a problem people don't know they have. I hope to one day soon revisit those glory days!
Craig dos Santos
•1 review
Interesting! I've always thought living closer to friends would be ideal. Love the idea of a tool to make that easier! I wonder if post pandemic we might see a trend towards people wanting to live closer to their community.
Jeremy Blanchard
•2 reviews
I've been obsessed with communal living my entire adult life. As I've gotten older, I've realized that living with 12 other people probably isn't the right fit for me. But living right next door to my closest friends really IS the dream I hold most dear. It's not only personally helpful to have this app, but I genuinely find it inspiring to know that other people will be encouraged to join the "movement" of living this way!
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