What is Names & Faces?
Names & Faces is a visual employee directory that solves a problem experienced by everyone from the CEO to the intern. How do I get to know the people around me? How do I get context for where they fit in. And how do I get in touch when I need to?
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5/5 based on 74 reviews
•1 review
One of my friends who works at Ogilvie (advertising agency) in South Africa described this 'as the most useful tool he has ever used'. I love that this app exists to encourage IRL connection, a lost art today's world is sorely in need of rediscovering!
•2 reviews
Definitely going to flag this to our HR team. Much-needed by me and others I know for sure
•1 review
Just downloaded it, and will share with our 3 teams in Cape Town, Amsterdam and London. What a great way to put a face to a name.