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50 reviews

What is Commented?

Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling between scattered conversations across multiple channels. Experience seamless real-time collaboration by simply starting conversations on your product.

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Maker reviews of Commented


Heleana Grace
92 reviews
Huge props to the team for creating this. I can't even count the number of times we've gone back and forth with clients on video feedback. Imagine annotating directly on video frames? 😍 Speaking of, if anyone needs video content to annotate on, you know where to find me! 😉 Great job, folks!
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
178 reviews
Congrats on the launch! I love the move to simplify and streamline feedback that oftentimes is kept on one persons' device, never to be shared with the team (or see the light of day). Great for a remote first collaborative environment
24 reviews
We are bound with many app interfaces these days and they always lack of features we want. But with, it is now possible to collaborate anywhere anytime! Congrats on your launch, great work! 🚀🚀
Rajtilak Bhattacharjee
50 reviews
Amazing work guys! Will definitely be using this for my MVP. The free tier is pretty generous, will start off with that, however, might move to the Agency plan for the GitHub and Notion integration. The UI looks refreshing! Congratulations on the launch guys!
Anna Kasumova
103 reviews
Hi Team! Congrats! It's interesting product which can boost productivity of the teamwork! Thank you for video, it really helps to understand the idea. And I love that you also have a pricing for test
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