What is Save99?
Say goodbye to extra cents with Save99, the ultimate Chrome extension that rounds prices to whole numbers! Unrounded prices ($99.99) create a false perception of cheaper deals.
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4.33/5 based on 3 reviews
•97 reviews
OK, I love the idea but it seems it doesn’t work with European format prices. E.g. on Amazon.de, a product costs 42,87 €. That should be rounded to 42,90 but it’s instead “rounded up” to 4.290,00 € ! I suppose this is because the extension is look for a “.” thousands separator, but in Europe we use “,” instead.
E.g. ten thousand euro = 10.000,00 € (not 10,000.00 €)
EDIT: It's all of Amazon.de — not a specific page. Tried on Arc browser.
•24 reviews
Love this! The first digit plays such a huge role, especially in today's hyper-fast world our brains have been trained to skim everything and the first number makes the biggest imprint on the brain while shopping. I can't even count how many times I've bought something thinking it was $20 while the reality was 29.99. You guys are on the right track this has a potential of being huge! best of luck!