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HRV based stress tracker
2 reviews

What is StressWatch?

StressWatch analyzes and interprets the data to determine your current stress levels. It constantly monitors your status and remind your immediately if your stress levels get too high so you can take action right away to help reduce your stress levels.

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Recent StressWatch Launches

StressWatch HRV based stress tracker

Launched on May 25th, 2023

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5/5 based on 2 reviews


Faizal Hudya Rizfianto
5 reviews
Very useful, and pretty much accurate, at one time I was feeling overwhelmed, and the watch gave me a notification that I needed to pay attention to myself. So yeah it's a must-have work-life balance tool
Patrick F
1 review
StressWatch is a highly emotionally designed product that helps us gain a proper understanding of HRV’s representation of physical and mental stress. It features a great HRV algorithm, beautiful UI design, and smooth animations, making it an excellent overall health product.