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Udayraj Parmar
393 reviews
🚀 Hooray! Your product has officially landed on Product Hunt, and it's a blast-off success! Sending a big congratulations @vaishali_rastogi @shailendra_singh_ht @antony_a your way for pushing the boundaries and making waves in the tech world. Keep reaching for the stars! just tried hyper test referred by vaishali and would like to say wonderful.❤🙌
Angana Chatterjee
2 reviews
This has honestly been a life saver! As a marketer, I am also on the customer facing front, and I don't remember any one of them complaining about errors in our app for as long as I can remember. P.S. not claiming that we never had errors, just that our folks were able to catch every one of them with Hypertest before they ever reached our users :P