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Amazon AR view

Amazon AR view

Try products in your home before you buy them
31 reviews

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What do people think of Amazon AR view?

The community submitted 31 reviews to tell us what they like about Amazon AR view, what Amazon AR view can do better, and more.

4.2/5All time (31 reviews)
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Jack Kim
5 reviews

Super excited about the potential of it. Might be a gimmick that dies out in a few months but will be hugely useful when we have a more available, comfortable AR medium that's always on us (holding up phone won't cut it).

Matthew Morley
3 reviews

I've just updated the app (available in US only) and found that whilst it works, the scaling/sizing of the items is a little off at times. The plane detection is quite slow and buggy with items being able to hover through other objects despite being 'rooted' on the plane. Overall a 3* effort.

Ian Blair Hamilton
10 reviews

Amazon is squeezing every single supplier more, and more and more. Now it isn't enough to just list a product. Now this 'service' will be yet another charge item.

Shravani Sadineni
3 reviews

Also not sure how this would work for larger items.

Rupa Chaturvedi
1 review

Making shopping decisions easier by letting me visualize everything from a vase to a tow truck is a pretty awesome experience. My son enjoyed seeing the toys by moving them around to see all sides!

Vikrant Ramteke
3 reviews
Michael Morrison
1 review

Great use of futuristic technology

Diego León Socorro
5 reviews

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